Journal of
Petroleum and Gas Engineering

  • Abbreviation: J. Petroleum Gas Eng.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2677
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPGE
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 124

Table of Content: November 2011; 7(2)

November 2011

Prediction of the enthalpy of vaporization according to the temperature far from the critical point by the group contribution method with interactions of pure hydrocarbons, simple mixtures and oil fractions

  In this research, we employed a new method to calculate vaporization enthalpy of pure hydrocarbons. This equation is a function of the temperature, far from critical point and was tested for simple mixtures and oil fractions. Comparing values with the literature, the equation established have improved results in term of average standard deviation. We also applied the equation to the oil fractions; it required...

Author(s): O. Rebas, H. Zait, N. Skander and E. C. Chitour

November 2011

Filter cake formation on the vertical well at high temperature and high pressure: Computational fluid dynamics modeling and simulations

  Oil and gas wells are generally drilled with the intention of forming a filter cake on the wellbore walls to primarily reduce the large losses of drilling fluid into the surrounding formation. Unfortunately, formation conditions are frequently encountered that may result in unacceptable losses of drilling fluid into the surrounding formation despite the type of drilling fluid employed and filter cake created....

Author(s): Mohd. A. Kabir and Isaac K. Gamwo