Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 665

Table of Content: April-June 2022; 14(2)

April 2022

Mothers’ opinion on local and orthodox management of children infected with Tinea capitis in Southern Nigeria

Tinea capitis  is a common infection among children in Nigeria and appropriate management will reduce its incidence among the pediatric population. The study assessed the opinions of mothers on the local and orthodox management of children infected with Tinea capitis. The study adopted a cross-sectional descriptive survey design and was conducted among 390 women in two states in Southern Nigeria. Pretested,...

Author(s): Lauretta Sonia Daramola, Adesola Adenike Ogunfowokan, Timothy Titilayo Famakinwa and Mathew Idowu Olatubi  

April 2022

An analysis of average temperature and elevation on tuberculosis incidence within the Appalachian region

This research has demonstrated conflicting findings related to how environmental factors may affect the spread of tuberculosis (TB). A better understanding of this may have implications for health planning given the changing world climate. This study examines environmental factors, specifically elevation and temperature, demographic and income covariates and their association with TB incidence within the Appalachian...

Author(s): Michaela Gross, Skai Schwartz and Benjamin Jacob  

April 2022

Review and thematic analysis of guiding principles for effective crisis communication using social media

Effective crisis communication on social media targets and tailor’s crisis information to influence risk perception and ensures messages are accepted. The aim of the current research is to map the research available and summarize key findings of the guiding principles and strategies for social media-based risk and crisis communication during emerging infectious diseases. North American-focused literature assessing...

Author(s): Melissa MacKay, Jillian Jaworski, Jennifer E. McWhirter, Daniel Gillis and Andrew Papadopoulos

May 2022

‘Wanting…, but not able to’: Realities of unmet needs for family planning and associated factors among postpartum women in the North of Benin

Solving the unmet need for family planning is a challenge for improving women’s health, especially women during the postpartum period. This study aims to determine the degree of women’s unmet needs during the postpartum period and associated factors in Parakou, Northern Benin. This is a cross-sectional community study conducted in 2018 with 453 postpartum women living in Parakou. They were selected using a...

Author(s): BIAOU Chabi Olaniran Alphonse, DOS-SANTOS Candide Russel, AHOUINGNAN Aurelle, CHOKI Asséréhou Blaise, ANAGONOU Gimatal Esaï, SESSOU Nathalie Sênami,  ZINSOU Fidèle Fidégnon, GLÈLÈ AHANHANZO Yolaine and HOUNKPONOU Fanny  

May 2022

Assessment of knowledge and practices on home management of malaria among selected families in Morogoro Municipality

Knowledge and practices in preventing malaria infection were assessed in a cross-sectional study in Morogoro Municipal. Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease transmitted caused by plasmodial species which are plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium vivax, plasmodium ovale, and plasmodium malariae. With most of the cases of malaria being due to Plasmodium falciparum accounting for more than 95% of infections. A total...

Author(s): Julius Angelina and Mgonja Frida Richard  

June 2022

Prevalence and predictors of recreational drug use in a conflict affected area in the Southwest region of Cameroon: A cross-sectional study

Conflicts and displacements have high impact on mental health due to direct exposure to traumatic events and exposure to increased levels of daily stressors. Post-traumatic stress and other common disorders in conflict or post conflict settings have been well identified however recognition of substance use or abuse and what substances are in use, as well as predictors in conflict settings is sparse. This study aimed to...

Author(s): Atabong Emmanuel Njingu, Fombo Enjeh Jabbossung, Nyuydzedze Stanley Sunjo, Nembulefac Derick Kemndah, and Ayongi Eyong Njang Stephen,    

June 2022

Waste management and public health: An analysis of Nigeria’s healthcare sector

Waste management encompasses a wide range of planned procedures and activities, either from its generation to final disposal, as well as long-term strategy for ensuring environmentally sustainable waste management. While, public health, on the other hand, connotes an insight into illness prevention and personal care in connection with health promotion and social factors. In critically examining waste management and...

Author(s): Njideka Phina Onyekwelu, Onyekwelu Awel Okoro, Ngozi Doreen Nwaise and Ezieshi Francis Monyei