Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 666

Table of Content: February, 2015; 7(2)

February 2015

Caregivers’ perception of the quality of child health care services in a General Hospital in Lagos State

Nigeria shoulders about 10% of global childhood mortality rates. This poor statistics is related to the poor quality of child healthcare services in the country. This recent study assessed the quality of the different aspects of child healthcare services in an urban General Hospital in Lagos state, Nigeria. Descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken. Participants were caregivers attending the Child welfare Clinic...

Author(s): Nwosu Benjamin Chukwudi and Princess Christina Campbell

February 2015

Prevalence and public health significance of bovine cysticercosis at Elfora Abattoir, Bishoftu, Ethiopia

A cross sectional study was conducted from November 2013 to April 2014 to determine the prevalence of bovine cysticercosis, assess the associated risk factors and public health importance of Taeniasis at Elfora abattoir, Bishoftu town. Active abattoir survey from local zebu cattle presented to Elfora Abattoir and questionnaire survey data collected were analyzed using STATA version 11. From the total 430 carcasses...

Author(s): Lielt Emiru, Desalew Tadesse, Tsegabirhan Kifleyohannes, Teshale Sori and Yohannes Hagos

February 2015

Incidence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in anaemic patients attending General Hospital Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) deficiency is one of the most well known human genetic defects and could possibly result in acute haemolysis after exposure to various oxidative conditions. This work was therefore carried out to determine the incidence of G-6-PD deficiency in anaemic patients attending General Hospital Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria. The study group comprised of 50 sickle cell, 60 iron...

Author(s): Abubakar, A., Opata, M. O., Zubair A. I., Maigari, A. K., Yusuf, A. B., Okwonkwo, P. O., Duru, B. N., Junaid, S. A. and Mokogwu A. T. H.

February 2015

Clinical benefits to pregnant women on the use of rapid diagnostic test to microscopy in malarial diagnosis in Jigawa State, Nigeria

The study was aimed at comparing rapid diagnostic test kits (RDTs) and microscopy in detecting sequestered placental malaria or deep tissue malaria from pregnant women and the clinical benefits that can be derived. About 300 pregnant women were enrolled in the study. Five (5) ml of venous and placental blood was collected into an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) tube, respectively. The blood samples were tested...

Author(s): Ahmad, Mohammad Bello and Yahuza, Al-Muktar Adamu

February 2015

Care of patients with liver cirrhosis: How are we doing?

Cirrhosis carries high morbidity and mortality due to various complications and decompensation, which can be decreased by following various practice guidelines, which are variedly followed in actual practice. This multicentric prospective/retrospective study was conducted over a 3 month period to assess actual care of patients with cirrhosis. 416 patients with cirrhosis (median age 53 years, 316 males) were included in...

Author(s): Deepak Amarapurkar, Mrudul V. dharod, Madhuri Chandnani, Rajiv Baijal, Praveen kumar, Mayank Jain, Nikhil Patel, Praful Kamani, Nimish Shah, Sandeep Kulkarni, Sonali Gautam, Apurva Shah and Soham Doshi