Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 665

Table of Content: June 2015; 7(6)

June 2015

Factors associated with default from treatment among tuberculosis patients in Kassala State, Sudan 2013

Sudan, particularly the eastern part shoulders 8% of TB burden in the World Health Organization (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). Kassala state is classified as one of the most tuberculosis (TB) affected states in Sudan with annual risk of around 120 new cases per 100,000 of populations. TB medications take a relatively long time to ensure adequate treatment. Default from TB treatment leads to continuation of...

Author(s): Mutaz A. Abdelhadi, Talal E.Mahdi, Mohammed A.Soghaier, Heitham M. Awadalla, Anas E.Ahmed and Fatima A. Khalid

June 2015

Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients from the home care program of Federal District Brazil

The hegemonic presence of chronic conditions in the world in recent decades has pushed health systems to reorganization, aimed at viability and economic sustainability with ‘user-centered’ and integrated actions, and also using the logic model of health care networks. One of the alternatives to meet this need relates to home care, which intends to assist bedridden chronic patients at home as a substitute...

Author(s): Maria Leopoldina de Castro Villas Boas, Helena Eri Shimizu and Mauro Niskier Sanchez

June 2015

Profiling of community directed distributors on key household practices in resource-poor setting: A case study of Anambra State, Southeast Nigeria

Improving malaria control, hygiene and sanitation in households is a challenge in the health system. Hence, several countries have used community directed distributors (CDDs) to assist in delivering health information and services. Despite their use there is little attempt to profile this group of workers. This was a cross sectional study conducted in 2014 involving 297 CDDs from 3 rural communities in Anambra Central...

Author(s): Ifeoma Modebe, Sussan U. Arinze-Onyia, Emmanuel N. Aguwa and Ed Nwobodo