Journal of
Parasitology and Vector Biology

  • Abbreviation: J. Parasitol. Vector Biol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2510
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPVB
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 204

Full Length Research Paper

Heterogeneity of Anopheles Mosquitoes in Nyabushozi County, Kiruhura district, Uganda

R. Echodu1, J. Okello-Onen2*, J. J. Lutwama3, J. Enyaru4, R. Ocan5, R. B. Asaba5, F. Ajuga5, C. Rubaire-Akiiki6, D. Bradley7, C. Mutero8, C.Kabonesa9 and J. Olobo10  
1Makerere University, Molecular Biology Programme, Uganda. 2Gulu University, Faculty of Science, Uganda. 3Uganda Virus Research Institute Entebbe, Uganda. 4Makerere University, Faculty of Science, Uganda. 5Makerere University, Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, Uganda. 6Makerere University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uganda. 7London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom. 8International Water Management Institute (SIMA), Sri Lanka. 9Department of Women and Gender Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda. 10Makerere University, Medical School, Department of Microbiology, Uganda.  
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 10 March 2010
  •  Published: 30 November 2010


The diversity of Anopheles mosquitoes was studied for seven months in eight villages in Nyabushozi County, Kiruhura District, Uganda. The aim of the study was to identify sibling species of Anopheles gambiae S.L, and the Anopheles funestus group using ribosomal DNA polymerase chain reaction assays. A total of 2566 female A. gambiae S.L, and 270 A. funestus group mosquitoes were collected in 24 households using pyrethrum spray catches, and from goat pens and cattle housing (kraals), using CDC light traps. More A. gambiae S.L, and A. funestus were caught in goat’s houses than in cattle kraals, probably due to the effect of weekly spraying of cattle. The densities of female A. gambiae S. L and A. funestus in all the eight villages studied were significantly influenced by rainfall. A. gambiae S.S. was the only sibling species within the A. gambiae complex identified by polymerase chain reaction assay. A. funestus was also identified by polymerase chain reaction and was found to be in sympathy with two other sibling species within the group, A. nopheles leesoni and A. nopheles parensis. Overall,A. gambiae S.S. was the most abundant species and probably contributed to most of the malaria transmission in Nyabushozi County, Kiruhura district.


Key wordsAnopheles mosquitoes, heterogeneity, polymerase chain reaction, kiruhura district, Uganda.