Full Length Research Paper
The effect of intermittent forced air flow using a fan and pre-storage treatment prepared by soaking neem bark in water for 12 h and blending neem leaves with water on weight loss and sprouting of stored yam tuber were investigated. A total of 36 tubers of white yam, (Dioscorea rotundata) were stored for six months in barn with fan and barn without fan. The results showed that the temperature in the barn with fan was slightly lower than that of the barn without fan. The neem bark extract treated tubers had lower sprout weights (25 g/kg) compared to 45 g/kg for the control. This difference is statistically significant at (P ≤ 0.05). The neem leaf slurry treated tubers also had less sprout weights (33 g/kg) tuber. The tubers treated with neem leaf slurry had the least weight loss (21%) compared to 26% for the tuber treated with neem bark extract. Tubers stored in the barn with fan had the least sprout weight and least weight loss. From the result, it can be concluded that intermittent air flow on stored yam tubers reduces sprouting and weight loss and neem bark extract treatment have an effect in suppressing sprouting in stored yam tubers.
Key words: Yam, storage, neem bark, neem leaf slurry, air flow, weight loss, sprouting.
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