Full Length Research Paper
The study was conducted to determine the fertility status and irrigation potentials of selected Fadama soils in Adamawa State, North-eastern Nigeria. An area of about 54 ha of Fadama land was randomly selected within each site based on their usage for intensive irrigation agriculture. Three transects that are 300 m apart were cut in each of the Fadama areas. Four sampling points that are 150 m apart were located along each transect. The latitude and longitude of the areas sampled were determined with the aid of Global Positioning System (GARMIN, 12 Channel Receiver Model). The samplings were made at (0 to 20 cm) depth with hand trowel at each point. All soil samples were analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The soils were Silt loam, loam and silty clay loam. Soil reaction varied from slightly acidic to neutral. The selected Fadama soils of Adamawa State, North-eastern Nigeria in their present status has low to moderate nutrient with moderate buffering capacity. These areas have potential for irrigation of rice, vegetables and maize crops, using underground and surface water. The incorporation of crop residues and application of inorganic fertilizers to the soils will play an important role in nutrient availability of these soils. Regular soil evaluation is imperative for sustainable crop production and increase yield.
Key words: Fadama soils, potential, nutrients, fertility, irrigation, properties.
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