Full Length Research Paper
A study was conducted to determine the status and distribution of extractable Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn in Haplustults in Yamaltu-Deba Local Government Area (LGA) of Gombe State, Nigeria. Composite soil samples representative of the soils in the LGA were collected from 0 - 15 and 15 - 30 cm depths of five locations (Hinna, Kanti, Jangargari, Gidan Waya and Dadin Kowa) and analyzed. Results indicate that the soils were dominantly sandy loam, very strongly to moderately acidic (pH = 4.7 - 5.9) and low in CEC (mean = 7.21 cmolkg-1), exchangeable bases (Means for Ca = 3.34, Mg = 0.71, K = 0.21, Na = 0.10 cmolkg-1) and organic carbon (mean = 7.27 g kg-1). Extractable Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn (in mgkg-1) were 0.48 - 0.75 (mean = 0.58), 0.18 - 0.26 (mean = 0.21), 18.40 - 21.91 (mean = 19.96), and 30. 54 - 38.58 (mean = 33.00), respectively. The micronutrients were neither significantly (P = 0.05) influenced by the depths nor locations. The Fe and Mn contents were above the critical limits for crop production in all the locations. Copper was low in soils from Hinna and Jangargari and will consequently benefit from its application. Zinc was, however, generally low and its application in all the locations are recommended for successful crop production in the area.
Key words: Haplustults, micronutrients, distribution.
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