November 2017
Effect of a low dose of BCG-Phipps vaccine on the development of reactivity to tuberculin skin test in neonatal calves and adult cows
Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) has a direct impact in the productive and reproductive efficiency of dairy cattle. Nowadays, disease control programs based on tuberculin testing and removal of infected cattle are unaffordable for the developing countries, since there is no program of financial compensation, especially in high bTB-prevalence herds. Thus, control strategies based on vaccination are considered the best...
November 2017
Health and welfare status of donkeys in and around Hawassa Town, Southern Ethiopia
A cross-sectional study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017 with the objective of assessing the welfare situation and identifying major health problem of donkeys in association with risk factors identification using physical examination and questionnaire survey in and around Hawassa town, Southern Ethiopia. Three hundred and eighty four donkeys were physically examined for health related and management...
November 2017
Anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in southern Mozambique
Small ruminant production is significantly constrained by gastrointestinal parasites once they cause serious production and economic losses for both small-scale and large-scale farmers in the developing world. The control of helminth parasites is most exclusively based on the use of anthelmintics for the economic production of ruminants. However, the resistance of nematodes to the commonly used groups of anthelmintics...
November 2017
Sero-prevalence and associated risk factors for Brucella sero-positivity among small ruminants in Tselemti districts, Northern Ethiopia
A cross sectional study design was employed with the aim to determine sero-prevalence of brucellosis among sheep and goats and identify factors associated with sero-positivity to Brucella. A total of 558 sera were collected randomly and aseptically from small ruminants from November, 2015 till October, 2016 in Tselemti district, Northern Ethiopia, following proper restraining. All the sera were primarily screened for...
November 2017
Growth performance, feed conversion efficiency and blood characteristics of growing pigs fed on different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal
To determine the effects of inclusion, at different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) in growing pig diets on pig’s daily feed intakes (DFI), growth performance, feed conversion efficiency (FCE), haematology and plasma lipid indices, a total 24 pigs aged 2.5 months old were selected and assigned to 4 treatment diets (T) containing: 0% (T1), 3% (T2), 6% (T3) and 12% (T4) MOLM concentrations, each with 2...