October 2013
Additions to ectomycorrhizae associated with Populus ciliata Wall. Ex Royle from Pakistan
Ectomycorrhizal roots sampled from the mycorhizosphere of Populus ciliata from Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan were characterized based on standard methodology for morphological and anatomical characters which include: morphology of ectomycorrhizal system, structure of mantle layers in plain view, structure of rhizomorphs, shape of cystidia and features of emanating elements. Two...
October 2013
Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms on Coffea arabica and Ficus sycomorus leaves in Dilla University, Ethiopia
Coffea arabica and Ficus sycomorus leaves were assessed for supporting growth of Pleurotus ostreatus. Comparatively, sholla leaves were highly supportive and their fruiting bodies appeared late, while coffee leaves were also supportive and their fruiting bodies appeared early. Results of the cultivation of Pleurotus on coffee and sholla leaves showed that they have promising effect for...