August 2014
Ecological governance in rural areas: Finnish approaches and practices
Along with the development of rural areas, rural ecological issues caused by inappropriate anthropogenic activities have not been drowned in the contexts of global environmental problems. The acceleration of rural development in developing countries would result in a series of potential threats to the deteriorating environment, if no effective governance strategies were applied. The significance of ecological governance...
August 2014
Performance analysis of bandwidth and gain improvement of printed wide slot antenna using parasitic patch
Here, a printed micro strip line fed wide slot antenna with rotated square slot resonator is presented. This article deals with design, modeling and simulation of slotted antenna. A parasitic patch is introduced to improve the gain along with the bandwidth. For bandwidth enhancement, a slotted approach is used in ground of antenna along with rotation in patch and a simple 50 Î microstrip line fed is used to excite the...
August 2014
An investigation into the building-sanitary equipment in the traditional residential architecture
Despite the developments and changes in the constructional domain, most of the best construction materials of the past are still the best and the buildings of the past have still been superior to the present buildings. In such a case, the traditional must be stuck to and traditional solutions must be taken as examples. Therefore, this study investigated the building-sanitation-related elements (water disposal...
August 2014
Feasibility study of chromium electroplating process in stamping tooling
Due to the great need for reducing production costs, productivity increasing quality improvement of products, the study had its start drafting surface treatment of dies process development, where the first step was a market study looking for the treatment types and their applications. These treatments are intended to stabilize the production process so that there are no variations on the production and increasing the...
August 2014
An experimental study on establishment of a high-volume common carotid-external carotid bypass model in dogs
High-volume intra- and extra cranial artery bypass surgery has been widely used, but it remains a difficult technique for most of surgeons. The objective of this study is to explore a training mode and platform. Six healthy dogs were divided into three groups at random. Twelve high-volume common carotid-external carotid bypasses were operated on both sides of six dogs (n=12). Digital subtraction angiography...