June 2015
Seasonal incidence of major insect- pests and their biocontrol agents of soybean crop (Glycine max L. Merrill)
The major insect-pests observed attacking soybean variety JS 335 were girdle beetle, Obereopsis brevis; tobacco caterpillar, Spodoptera litura; green semilooper, Chrysodeixis acuta; whitefly, Bemisia tabaci and jassids, Empoasca kerri. The peak activity of girdle beetle (1.0 damaged plant per meter row) was observed during first week of October. Whereas the peak activity of caterpillar pests that is, S. litura (2.5...
June 2015
Comparative performance of some bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) genotypes during different seasons
Twenty-six bivoltine silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) genotypes were tested along with two check varieties (NB4D2 and SH6) for their performance in respect of 14 metric traits during spring (E1) and summer (E2) seasons. No genotype displayed significantly superior performance vis-à-vis check breeds in all the metric traits under study. However, several genotypes registered higher performance in several subsets of...
June 2015
Performance of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivars under varying dates of sowing in prevailing agro-climatic condition of North Bengal
To study the effect of dates of sowing and improved cultivars on growth and yield of summer sesame in North Bengal five different dates of sowing (10th February, 20th February, 2nd March, 12th March and 22nd March and three cultivars of sesame (Rama, Savitri and Tillotama) with three replications. The highest (114.66 and 115.83 cm) plant height was recorded when sesame sown on 12th March (D4) and which was...