October 2014
Isolation and identification of Staphylococcus aureus from bovine and the detection of its coagulase gene (coa) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Two hundred and fifty different samples were collected from bovine and examined for the presence of staphylococcal bacteria. 189 isolates were able to grow on the mannitol salt agar (MSA), known as staphylococci. Coagulase test revealed that 165 isolates were able to produce this enzyme; 138 of these isolates were Staphylococcus aureus which appeared in 55.2% of the isolates. Deoxyribonuclase (DNAase), urase and...
October 2014
Charaterization of galactose-specific lectin from the skin mucus of African catfish Clarias gariepinus aBurchell, 1822
A galactose-specific lectin was purified from the skin mucus of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and the physicochemical properties determined. Phosphate buffered saline extract of the skin mucus of African catfish specifically agglutinated erythrocytes of rabbit and human blood group B, but did not agglutinate bat, rat, hen and human blood A and O erythrocytes. The haemagglutinating activity of the lectin was...
October 2014
Semi-analytic solutions to Riemann problem for one-dimensional gas dynamics
This work deals with the implementation of reduced differential transform method (RDTM) for solving the Riemann problem for gas dynamics in one dimension. The RDTM is an analytical method that can be applied to many linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and is capable of reducing the size of computations. Using this method, the solution is calculated in the form of convergent power series with easily...
October 2014
Evaluation of risk factors for surfactant re-dosing in neonates with respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a common cause of mortality and complications in the preterm neonates. Specific treatment of this disease is endotracheal surfactant administration. Some neonates need more than one dose of drug (re-dosing) so that in addition to the cost, avoidace of treatment complications and, if necessary, timely prescribtion are of high importance. In this study, the effects of the...