December 2013
Application review of add drop multiplexer through OXADM device
In this paper, we overviewed a new architecture of asymmetrical optical switch device which is expected to have vast application in optical communication and monitoring system. As reported in previous publication, it has many excellent features such as low crosstalk, lossless and multifunction. The multifunctional device means the integration of single functional devices onto single architecture and Optical Cross Add...
December 2013
Radial variations in anatomical properties of Melia dubia cav. at five different ages
The differences in anatomical characteristics viz., vessel length, vessel diameter, vessel arrangement, vessel frequency, ray height, ray width, ray frequency, fibre length, fibre diameter, fibre wall thickness and fibre lumen width of one, two, three, four and five year old Melia dubia cav. respectively were investigated. The wood samples were systematically collected from the pith, middle and periphery wood sections...
December 2013
Impact of zinc application on its translocation into various plant parts of wheat and its effect on chemical composition and quality of grain
A field experiment was conducted under All India Co-ordinated Research Project on “Micro, secondary nutrients and pollutant elements in soils and plants” during two consecutive years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 with fallow-wheat cropping sequence on a Typic Haplustert at the Research Farm of Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, J.N. Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.) to study the...
December 2013
Improvements of dry sliding wear behaviour and mechanical properties in 2014 Al alloy by age-hardening
In this study AA 2014 powder metal alloy was produced by using the vertical gas atomization method. In the post-production stage, by unidirectional pressure in the steel mould, the powders were converted into powder metal samples. The derived powder metal particles from the micro structural point were subjected to sintering process for 1 h at the temperature range of 550 and 620°C. Next, the samples were exposed to...