February 2007
Vegetative propagation on some key malaria medicinal plants in Nigeria
Vegetative propagation studies on some key medicinal plants for malaria treatment in Nigeria were carried out. The identified plants are Azadirachta indica, venonia amygdalina andAgeratum conyzoides. Methods of harvesting plant parts by the enthomedicinal practitioners were observed to be injurious and could create enabling environment for plant pathogens. Result from vegetative propagation...
February 2007
A survey of common toxic plants of livestock in Sokoto State, Nigeria
Through structured questionnaire, two hundred livestock farmers and veterinary attendants were interviewed on various aspects of poisonous plants in Sokoto State. Forty one (41) poisonous plants were reported to exist in the state. They include Ipomea asarifolia (Duman kada), Sorgum bicolar (Bahuri), Erythrophleum africana (Samberu), Calotropis procera(Tumfafiya)...
February 2007
Preliminary study on Candida albicans obtained from an AIDS patient
Aqueous pod extract of Lecaniodiscus cupanioides was found to exhibit a substantial inhibitory action on both the laboratory strain and a clinical isolate of Candida albicansobtained from an AIDS patient. This action was selective as no other fungal or bacterial species tested was similarly inhibited. It is expected that this extract would have potentials as an herbal treatment of oral thrush...
February 2007
Fire and its influence on microbial community structure and soil biochemical properties in the Okavango Delta, Botswana
The influence of wild fires on microbial community structure, soil organic matter, sulphur oxidising and nitrifying microbial populations in the floodplains of the Okavango Delta of Botswana was assessed. Microbial community structure was assessed by phospholipids ester-linked fatty acids (PLFA) quantification while microbial sulphur oxidisers were assessed by Most Probable Number (MPN). Community...
February 2007
Household factors are strong indicators of children’s nutritional status in children with access to primary health care in the greater Gaborone area
Access to primary health care can improve the nutritional status and survival of preschool children. The effect of the universal provision of primary health care in Botswana on the prevalence, types, and determinants of malnutrition in preschool children is unclear. 522 children 0 - 5 years old from 12 clinics in the greater Gaborone area were studied to address this gap. Children’s weights and heights...
February 2007
Effect of forest management on plant species diversity in Castanea sativa stands in Salamanca (Spain) and the Cévennes (France)
For the last centuries, marked land use changes have taken place throughout the Mediterranean region. These changes have a great impact on plant diversity, variations of which can affect in return ecosystem functioning. This is particularly true for sweet chestnut (Castanea sativaMill.) stands (groves or coppices) that have been more or less abandoned since the end of the last century. Thus,...