January 2007
Effect of Indomie industrial effluent discharge on microbial properties of new Calabar River
Water quality assessment of certain microbial pollution indicators arising from the industrial effluent of Indo-Food Company (Indomie) on water samples collected at five different sampling points of new Calabar Rivers was carried out. The sampling points were upstream, effluent fall out points, 200, 400 and 600 m distances from the fallout point. Using the control (upstream) as an index of comparism to...
January 2007
Effect of oral intake of sodium benzoate on some haematological parameters of wistar albino rats
The in vivo effects of oral administration of varying concentrations (30, 60 and 120 mg/kg body wt) of sodium benzoate (a commonly used food preservative) on haemoglobin (Hb) concentration, white blood cell (WBC) count, total plasma protein and some plasma electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl-, and HCO3-) levels of wistar albino rats were investigated. The oral intake was done at 48-hourly intervals for 14...
January 2007
In vivo effects of sodium benzoate on plasma aspartate amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase of wistar albino rats
The in vivo effects of varying concentrations of sodium benzoate (30, 60 and 120 mg/kg body weight) administered by gavage to male albino wistar rats (100 g average weight) over a 14-day period on the plasma levels of aspartate amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase were investigated. Thirty-six (36) male wistar albino rats (average weight of 100 g) were divided into four groups and housed in...
January 2007
Evidence for the presence of two components of the root transmembrane potential of a halophyte Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) grown under saline conditions
This study has shown that the root cell potential difference (PD) has two components. One component (diffussional) was unaffected by the increasing NaCl concentration in the growth medium, while the other component (electrogenic) was affected by the NaCl concentration mostly above 200 mol m-3. The component of the PD which disappeared after excision appeared to depend on metabolic activity, as cyanide (a...
January 2007
The negative impacts of adolescent sexuality problems among secondary school students in Oworonshoki Lagos
This study was conducted to focus on the negative health outcomes related to sexual behaviour in adolescents and young adults attending public school in the Oworonshoki region of Lagos, Nigeria, Africa. Since, there is a relative dearth of knowledge on adolescents who face unique and challenging economics, health and education problems in our society. Data on the socio-demographic characteristics, prevalence...
January 2007
Nasal indices among major ethnic groups in southern Nigeria
Nasal index is an ethnicity sensitive anthropometric index; it is one of the important anthropometric parameters for suggesting the race and sex of an individual whose identity is unknown. In the present study, authors have worked out nasal indices in subjects of Igbo, Yoruba and Ijaw ethnic groups. 750 subjects each of Igbo and Yoruba with 175 subjects of Ijaw ethnic groups were measured for nasal height...
January 2007
Knowledge and perception of health workers towards tele-medicine application in a new teaching hospital in Lagos
To determine the perception of health workers in the health-care towards tele-medicine application in a new tertiary teaching hospital, a modified structured questionnaire using a prospective postal survey was administered to a cross-section of health workers in Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH)/Lagos State University College of Medicine (LASUCOM). Only 60.9% of respondents were familiar with...