June 2007
Charged particle multiplicity produced in neutrino-nucleon interactions at high energies
The multi-particle productions in neutrino-nucleon collisions at high energy are investigated through the analysis of the data of the experiment CERN-WA-025 at neutrino energy less than 260GeV and the experiments FNAL-616 and FNAL-701 at energy range 120-250 GeV. The general features of these experiments are used as base to build a hypothetical model that views the reaction through a Feynman diagram of two vertices. The...
June 2007
Hygroscopic properties of aerosols in the Sahel: preliminary results
Approximately three years of sunphotometric measurements carried out in the locality of Bidi (13.36°N; 2.30°W) in Burkina Faso (West Africa) from October 1986 to January 1989 were used to estimate the atmospheric precipitable water vapour (APW) and the Angstrom exponent values a. A study of the relationship between these two parameters on a seasonal time scale shows that an increase of water vapour in the...
June 2007
Comparative analyses of corrosion rates of subsurface storage tanks (metals) with some mechanical properties
A comparative study of the corrosion phenomena of subsurface storage tank vessel in different media has been performed. The corrosion rates of the system was determined and compared with some mechanical properties of the tank materials. The corrosion rates were calculated from the data obtained by weight loss technique. The tensile and impact strengths and hardness of materials were obtained by standard methods. It was...
June 2007
Phytochemical constituents and antioxidant properties of extracts from the leaves of Chromolaena odorata
Aqueous and methanolic extracts of Chromolaena odorata were screened for phytochemical consti-tuents. The evaluation of the antioxidant potential of the methanolic extract was also carried out. Tests for tannins, steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids and cardiac glycosides were positive in both methanolic and aqueous extracts. Alkaloids were detected only in the methanolic extract. The total phenolic content, reducing power...
June 2007
Application of snail mucin dispersed in detarium gum gel in wound healing
This study is aimed at describing the effects of snail mucin dispersed in detarium gum gel on wound healing in rats. The gels were prepared from a mixture of snail mucin and honey and the detraium gum gel. A similar gel containing only the mucin was also formulated. It was observed that the gels containing both the snail mucin and the honey had greater healing effect than the gel containing the mucin alone. Complete...
June 2007
Organic farming and sustainable development in Ethiopia
The main objective of this paper was to find out the feasibility of organic farming as a part of sustainable development in Ethiopia. The average total cost of chemical fertilizers and biofertilizers used for one hectare of land per year for various crops was calculated to be US$ 150 and US$ 40 respectively while for chemical pesticides and biopesticides, it was US$ 100 and US$ 25 respectively. The total estimated cost...
June 2007
Farmers’ understanding of pesticide safety labels and field spraying practices: a case study of cotton farmers in northern Côte d’Ivoire
This study was carried out in cotton zones of northern Côte d’Ivoire to assess farmers’ understanding of pesticide safety labels, pesticide handling and spraying practices that might potentially expose them to chemical hazards. Data was based on a stratified random sample of 165 farm households using structured interviews, multiple-visits, and direct field observations. Results showed that 50% of...
June 2007
A study into the factors that influence female engineering students’ career choice: a case study of Mutare Polytechnic, Zimbabwe
The purpose of this research was to identify the factors which influence the female engineering students’ career choice in the beginning of the twenty-first century. A further investigation was done to identify the degree to which these factors influence female students in choosing engineering as a career. A case study was carried out with the female engineering students at Mutare Polytechnic which is currently...