November 2007
Fire public awareness in Oman
In an effort to help reduce fire hazards in Oman, an extensive study was conducted for its causes and results in the country. In a previous paper1, the authors could establish the severity of fire accidents that took place in the last decade. In continuation, a questionnaire was conducted in order to investigate the public awareness in Oman about fire regulations. The results of this questionnaire will give light as to...
November 2007
Towards acceleration of Rump's fast and parallel circular interval arithmetic for enclosing solution of non linear system of equations
It is often the practice to express measurements of experimental problems in terms of uncertainties either due to contamination of measuring instruments or inaccurate measurements in the experimental models. In this note as an attempt at solving a system of nonlinear equation by accelerating the convergence of Rump's fast and parallel interval arithmetic incorporating where in, the Carstensen and...
November 2007
The effect of a new adaptogen, Garcinia kola seed, on the bioavailability of ofloxacin in humans
Garcinia kola seed is a commonly used social masticatory agent in Africa and is believed to possess many useful medicinal properties. The effect of the seed of G. kola Heckel on the salivary pharmacokinetics of ofloxacin was studied in healthy human volunteers. In a 2-way crossover design, ten healthy human volunteer received oral dose of 200 mg ofloxacin and saliva samples were collected...
November 2007
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of oils and nuts of Semicarpus anacardium L.f
Semicarpus anacardium L.f. is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family of Anacardiaceae and is used by tribals of Similpal Biosphere Reserve, Orissa, India for various ailments. Aqueous and organic solvent extracts of the plant were screened for antimicrobial (disc diffusion method) and phytochemical properties. The petroleum ether (PEE) and aqueous extract fractions (AQE) showed inhibitory...
November 2007
Volatile components, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Dacryodes buettneri H. J. Lam. essential oil from Gabon
The water-distilled oil obtained from resin of Dacryodes buettneri H.J.Lam, Burseraceae from Gabon was examined by GC and GC/MS. The analysis led to the identification of 28 components. The essential oil is characterized by a high proportion of terpinen-4-ol (27.33%) along with p-cymene (19%), α-pinene (13.23%), sabinene (4.40%) and isoascaridol (4%). The in vitro antioxidant...
November 2007
Performance characteristics of West African dwarf goat fed Rhizopus treated sawdust
Feed intake and weight gain of West African dwarf (WAD) goats consuming Rhizopustreated sawdust were determined. 27 WAD goats in a 3 x 3 Latin square design with a 196 day period consumed normal diet with 20% untreated sawdust (Treatment 1, control), while Treatments 2 and 3 contained fungus treated sawdust at 20 and 25%, respectively. Crude protein, crude fibre and ether extract consumed increased (P < 0.05) by...
November 2007
Locational and maturity effects on cashew tree gum production in Ghana
A comparative study of cashew gum yield trends per tree and picking in relation to age of tree and the location of tree was conducted at four cashew growing districts (Sampa, Wenchi, Bole and Jirapa) in Ghana for a period of 12 months. This was to develop cashew gum production for the food industry and to generate extra income for cashew farmers. Trees used in the study were of two age groups, those that...