39th CSN Annual International Conference
Plastic still remains today the real driving force of the petrochemical industry. Petrochemical is a branch of Chemistry that employs hydrocarbons, Oil and Gas as raw materials. This scientific research work clearly reveals that the petrochemical industry produces polymers (Plastics, Synthetic Fibres and Rubber), Detergents, Fertilizers, Fine Chemicals as well as alternative fuels. It dwells extensively and specifically on Petrochemicals and Petrochemical Products which are in great world over. It enumerates the chemistry of plastic formation and various characterization tests and typical feed characterization as evaluated in the carbon black processing unit and the routine test conducted. The research concludes that Polymers is the product that account for the bulk of petrochemical output and technology breakthrough, economies of scale and competition between producers have sustained this trend of which the reversal does not appear to compromise the future of plastic, while growth prospects remain good. The research recommend that since some saturation could appear above consumption, a level at which problems of waste, pollution and recycling becomes important and should be taken into consideration for the better future of our environment.
Key words: Petrochemicals, upstream, plastic/petrochemical industry, polymers, plastic formation.
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