African Journal of
Health Sciences and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Health Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2805-4202
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHST
  • Start Year: 2019

AJHST Articles in press

Knowledge and perceptions of Nigerian healthcare professionals on the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare

Article in Press

Background: Artificial Intelligence (AI) role in healthcare has evolved significantly, transitioning from theoretical research to practical applications affecting various aspects of the healthcare system. Aim of the study: To determine the level of knowledge and perceptions on the adoption of AI and machine learning in healthcare among health professionals. Material and Methods: The cross-sectional study recruited 167...

Author(s):Bolarinde Samuel Olufemi, Akinsete Fayokemi Henrietta, Okorocha Lawrencia, Alli Abiola Rasheed, Subulade Abiola Tolulope

Comparative analysis of SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant spike gene from data sequenced during the covid era (2020-2021)

Article in Press

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of numerous SARS-CoV-2 variants, with the Omicron variant posing a significant challenge due to its increased transmissibility and potential immune evasion. This study presents a comparative analysis of the spike gene sequence of the Omicron variant, utilizing data collected during the COVID-19 era from 2020 to 2021. The analysis focused on identifying key mutations...

Author(s):Chakamanga, Munashe K.F. and Bganya, Shepherd

Assessment And Correlation Of Adiponectin Level As A Monitoring Marker In Type 2 Diabetes In Benin City: A Case- Control Study

Article in Press

Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic condition that can develop retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy, causes hyperglycemia due to reduced insulin action and secretion. This study investigated the use of adiponectin, insulin, HbA1c, and HOMA-IR as monitoring and treatment markers for type 2 diabetes. Benin City had 90 participants, 60 of who had type 2 diabetes and 30 healthy controls aged 29–60. HbA1c, fasting...

Author(s):Fidelis Ohiremen Oyakhire, Emmanuel Onosetale Afeikhena, Babatunde Ishola Gabriel Adejumo, Kelly Iria Esezobor, Moses Ojo Oke, Samson Efenarhua, Uche Cletus Odionyenma, Usman Itakure Abdulkadir, Emmanuel Ojeideleko Akhaumere Chinemerem Elizabeth Anwara


Article in Press

Education systems are rapidly changing globally with time because of it’s dynamic nature. This rapid change calls for an equivalent pace in the assessment models that should be realistic and effective to the given target. Even before COVID 19 pandemic, there already existed many concerns on the reliability and validity issues on the Kenyan assessment tools for post primary schools. With the introduction of Competency...

Author(s):Eliud O. Oyoo

Epidemiology of Circulating Influenza Viruses in Ethiopia During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from National Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Influenza - Like Illness Sentinel Surveillance: January 2021 -August 2022

Article in Press

Background: Influenza is an acute viral respiratory tract disease in humans, often characterized by fever, headache, myalgia, prostration, coryza, sore throat and cough. Influenza infection is clinically indistinguishable from other respiratory viral diseases without laboratory confirmation. Although outbreaks of the virus have been recognized in high-income countries, data describing the epidemiology and burden of...

Author(s):Mengistu Biru Tesema

Community Perception And Suggestions For Healthcare Waste Management In Bo Government Hospital Southern Region, Sierra Leone

Article in Press

Medical wastes are generated by hospitals or clinical laboratories as a result of surgery, autopsies, or other medical procedures. Medical waste includes a wide range of materials, from used needles and syringes to bandages, body parts, diagnostic samples, blood, chemicals, drugs, medical devices, and radioactive materials. radiation. It can also be created at home. However, no matter where it is produced, medical waste...

Author(s):Peter Sahr Braima

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