African Journal of
Health Sciences and Technology

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Health Sci. Technol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2805-4202
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJHST
  • Start Year: 2019
  • Published Articles: 34


The African Journal of Health Sciences and Technology (AJHST) is a multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of health sciences, technology in medicine, molecular biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, and health administration and management. It is the official publication of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus.
AJHST is peer-reviewed and allows free access (Open Access) to its contents. The journal encourages authors to self-archive the published version of their articles on their institutional repository and any other suitable repositories.
The journal covers technical and clinical studies related to health sciences and technology, ethical and social issues in fields such as Physiotherapy and other Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Medical Imaging and Radiography, Nursing Sciences, Health Administration, Ergonomics, and other Biomedical Sciences. African Journal of Health Sciences and Technology is a peer reviewed journal with the following purposes:
1. To publish contributions in clinical and basic science research, in all field such as Physiotherapy and other Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Medical Imaging and Radiography, Nursing Sciences, Health Administration, Ergonomics, and other Biomedical Sciences.
2. To publish contributions in the prevention, investigation, care and treatment of disabilities or diseases, and on the promotion of health in developed and developing countries.
3. We shall also accept articles on health education, social health and other related health subjects (Dentistry, Medicine, Surgery, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Biomechanics, Human Kinetics, Sports Sciences etc.).
AJHST welcomes submissions from all subjects of Health Sciences and related fields. The journal publishes full-length research articles, short communications, case studies and review articles. In addition, the journal also welcomes letters and commentaries to the editor. Please see Instruction for Authors for complete details.
Submitting Your Manuscript
Before submitting your manuscript, please read the instruction for authorseditorial policies and publication ethics.
To submit your manuscript, click on the “Submit Manuscript” at the top of the website or go to to login to the Manuscript Management System. New users are required to register before they can login into the system.
On the dashboard of the system, click on “Submit Manuscript” and select African Journal of Educational Management, Teaching and Entrepreneurship Studies. Enter the title of your manuscript, copy and paste the abstract and enter the key words. Click the next button.
Enter name(s), affiliation(s) and country of all co-author(s). Click the next button.
Upload cover letter, manuscript file and supplementary files (if applicable). Click the finish button to complete submission.
After submission, you will receive an email indicating that your manuscript has been received by the editorial office of the journal. You will also receive the manuscript number and other details regarding the manuscript. Please always quote the manuscript number when communicating with the editorial office.

Contact AJHST 
Editorial Office
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Ethics & Compliance
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Accounts Unit
Manuscript handling fees, waivers and other payment related enquiries
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