Journal of
Philosophy and Culture

  • Abbreviation: J. Philos. Cult.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 0855-6660
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPC
  • Start Year: 2004

JPC Articles in press


Article in Press

The system of education in contemporary Africa especially Nigeria is replete with policy and enviable programmes. However, there is a loophole within the system that has gone a long way to destroy students and by extension endanger national development. This loophole is generated by economic determinism and parental superimposition which force children into disciplines they are intellectually unsuited for which would...

Author(s):OYENUGA Olukayode Felix, SURAKAT Ajibola Moruph, ADEFARASIN Victor Olusegun, OLADELE Idowu Daniel, GODWIN Okon Asuquo

Cultural Differences Between Chinese and American News Reports on Climate Change

Article in Press

With the help of corpus tool---LancsBox 6.0, the aim is to compare the characteristics of language usage and analyze qualitatively and quantitatively cultural differences between Chinese and American from the perspective of cultural dimensions theory and modes of thinking. It is found that China Daily prefers to place greater emphasis on high power distance values, a culture of collectivism, high uncertainty avoidance and...

Author(s):Xu Xinli

Thinking Initiation For Leadership Roles In Africa

Article in Press

The agonizing condition of most African States has generated debates in contemporary times on a continent caught in the web of deepening predicaments. From severe economic, social and political instability to poor and bad leadership, Africa is perpetually and increasingly looking for the miracle model of salvation from her predicaments. Western-borrowed paradigms fail to work in Africa as a result of what Ali Mazrui termed...

Author(s):Peter Oni

Traditional Authority, Nation-Building And Decentralization In African States: A Change In Perspective

Article in Press

African states are generally inhabited by peoples of diverse historical, linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds. This feature of diversity in African states, arguably, poses a challenge in creating social cohesion for such multinational and postcolonial contexts. African states such as Ghana have endeavored to redress this problem by pursuing nation-building through decentralization of the authority of central...


Tales of faith among african diaspora in the united states

Article in Press

Philosophy involves not only the search for truth and wisdom but also the quest for meaning. African philosophers have engaged in this quest for decades with some labelled as professional philosophers, ethno-philosophers, national/political philosophers and sage philosophers. Philosophical tasks open our mind’s eyes to things that we did not know before, to new developments, perspectives, and meanings, otherwise...

Author(s):Olagoke Abolade Ezekiel

A Critical Survey Of Causality And Witchcraft In Igbo Traditional Thought System

Article in Press

The problem of causality and witchcraft is a central issue in African metaphysics. The fundamental question that looms at the horizon of this piece is: what is the concept of causality in African ontology? This paper studies the dimensions of causality in African ontology and discovers, using the historical, analytic and evaluative methods of enquiry, that for the African, the world is an ordered universe in which all...

Author(s):Ejeh Paulinus Chikwado

A Critique: Is it Curse or Philosophy?

Article in Press

Frederick Nietzsche, as a prominent philosopher of his time, is known for his attack on Christian values and morality, and he concluded as Christianity as a source for these sickly socio-moral values as a result of fabricated hatred of priests towards master traits of noble men. I argue that his total claim on it is as a result of either misunderstanding of Christian values or a deliberate retreat of Nietzsche to cope up...

Author(s):Temesgen Berhanu

A critique phenomenon of Cultural Resistance in “On the post-colony” of Achille Mbembé.

Article in Press

The main purpose of this paper bears in the intuition that Africa’ post-colonial phenomena are deeply grounded in its colonial legacy without having, whatsoever, “banished” the traditional heritage that characterises African societies. By drawing on the growing field of political philosophy, I followed a critical and constructive dialogue to disentangle and make understandable the plurality of Africa society and...

Author(s):Saiba Bayo

Indigenous knowledge interpretation of illnesses in Vhembe district Limpopo Province of South Africa

Article in Press

Illnesses such as Rigoni, an infant illness, are understood and interpreted by traditional health practitioners and indigenous knowledge holders in an African, cultural traditional manner within particular communities. The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the meaning and interpretation of Rigoni by traditional health practitioners in Vhembe district in Limpopo province of South Africa. The study used...

Author(s):Rikhotso, SR, Mulaudzi FM and Mogale, RS

The Feasibility of Self-Reliancism as a Foundation for Democracy

Article in Press

In popular discourse democracy often centres on concepts such as liberty, equality, consent, choice, rule of law, participation, accountability, and transparency, etc. This popular rendition, more often than not, excludes the notion of self-reliancism. I argue that the exclusion of this notion weakens the etymological foundation of democracy as government by the people and undermines the development of an authentic and...

Author(s):Usifoh Eric Eromosele


Article in Press

The paradigm of male domination exemplified by the social relations between the sexes is structured in a way that men dominate and women submit. As such, these socio cultural relations presuppose a dyadic conception of domination in which women are subject to men. If male domination is seen as pervasive and women, docile, then the affirmation that women have power is a contradiction in terms. However, in line with...

Author(s):PETER ONI


Article in Press

One of the good things that distinguish the modern society from the primitive one is the ability to plan for the future. This affects all aspects of human life. In today’s world, man plans for everything- his family, his cities and even the future of the world. Hence, today, one hears of family planning, development plan and strategic plan. The planning is purposely meant to enhance qualitative standard of living for all...

Author(s):A. A. AKANNI

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