Journal of
Engineering and Computer Innovations

  • Abbreviation: J. Eng. Comput. Innov.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6508
  • DOI: 10.5897/JECI
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 33

JECI Articles

Towards a conceptual model; a guide to making minimalistic human-machine interaction design

December 2024

Human-Machine interaction (HCI) is relevant in today’s digitization, and so is the drive to better understand fundamental concepts toward more lucid, minimalistic and intuitive design and usage. Research has focused on the underlying psychology and mechanisms of interaction so as to make human-machine interaction seamless. In a study to build a conceptual guide for interaction design, salient concepts across...

Author(s): Noble Ametame Yao Ahiaklo-Kuz and Mathias Rötting  

Deviation from core tenets of user-centered design; evaluation of user decision reference points in interaction

April 2024

The evolution of the user interface design process has been driven by a focus on optimizing usability and scalability in response to increasing usage. User-Centered Design (UCD) has gained popularity within the design scope as it places the users at the center of all design decisions, modeling design schemes around their needs. While UCD has proven useful in many practical cases, it has also encountered failures. It has...

Author(s): Noble Ametame Yao Ahiaklo-Kuz and Mathias Rötting  

LoRa flood messaging applied to remote soil-moisture monitoring

August 2023

Soil-Moisture sensing has proven to be an important factor in decreasing the need for irrigation while maintaining crop yield and quality. Farmers’ finding ways to minimize water use is necessary given the world’s obvious climate change and, in some areas, the resulting onslaught of drought. As the world’s population grows and the demand for higher-quality food increases, precision irrigation becomes...

Author(s): Peter Raeth and Philip Branch  

Applying AquaCrop-OSPy to real-time irrigation

July 2023

Crop and irrigation modeling based on fundamental physics can be very valuable in forecasting requirements and production in preparation for next season's planting/harvesting cycle. AquaCrop is such a model. It forecasts daily watering needs and allows for simple through detailed data input. Its supplied input files offer configurations for various crop, soil, terrain, and irrigation types. If one knows historical...

Author(s): Peter G. Raeth  

Arbitrary color usage in interface design and impact on intuitive use

January 2023

As the usage of computer systems is on the rise and role of user interfaces in usage space cannot be undermined, there has been tremendous research into interaction design schemes and interface design methodologies. However, research that directly addresses visual design approaches, which is the interplay between User Interface (UI) elements and the basic principles of design, is scarce. This particular investigation...

Author(s): Noble Ahiaklo-Kuz and Matthias Rötting  

Transition of soil-moisture estimation theory to practical application

April 2021

Technology transition is an essential activity of engineering that bridges the gap between theory and reality. Computer engineering, for instance, takes the infinite accuracy of pure mathematics and applies it to practical situations. For precision irrigation and the calculation of ETc (estimated crop water use), we have the physics and mathematics expressed in the UN’s excellent documentation. A previous paper by...

Author(s): Peter George Raeth  

Notice of Retraction: RodentSQL: A software suite for colony management of animal protocols

September 2019

The editors of the Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations (JECI) are retracting the article, “RodentSQL: A software suite for colony management of animal protocols” published in 2018 (Vol. 5(1), pp. 1-5, August 2018). This is informed by the authors’ requests due to funding issues.      

Author(s): Shrikant Pawar and Harshul Batra

Retracted: RodentSQL: A software suite for colony management of animal protocols

August 2018

Most of the mouse experiments tend to generate a large-scale data, which is needed to be stored and eventually made publicly available. Many research groups still struggle to have central storage and integrated management system of this metadata. Some existing tools like Microsoft excel sheets and couple other colony management web/cloud-based tools are either cumbersome or expensive. There seems a constant need for...

Author(s): Shrikant Pawar and Harshul Batra  

Creating E-pedigree Kanban to secure customers’ chain using multi-agent image technique

July 2016

Egypt is one of the countries mostly faced with the problem of China’s fake spare parts used in replacing original components. The spare parts components trade is close to 2.7 billion LE out of 9.3 billion LE, that is, the volume of imported spare parts in Egypt, as announced by the official speaker of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Egypt. Hence, it can be seen that China’s components adulteration...

Author(s): Ahmed M. Abed

Comparison and performance analysis of reactive type DSR, AODV and proactive type DSDV routing protocol for wireless mobile ad-hoc network, using NS-2 simulator

March 2012

  Routing in MANET is a critical task due to highly dynamic environment. A routing protocol is needed whenever a packet needs to be transmitted to destination via number of nodes and numerous routing protocols have been proposed for ad-hoc network. In this paper we try to judge the impact of both reactive as well proactive type protocols by increasing the density of nodes in the network, keeping...

Author(s): Shrikant Upadhyay, Pankaj Joshi, Neha Gandotra and Aditi Kumari

Optoelectronic properties of zinc blende and wurtzite structured binary solids

March 2012

  In this paper, we studied zinc blende (ZB) and wurtzite (Wu) type structured binary solids with conduction electrons and calculated the optoelectronic properties such as high frequency refractive index (n), optical susceptibility (χ), electronic polarizability (αe) and crystal ionicity (fi) using the plasma oscillation theory of solids formalism already employed for ternary chalcopyrite...

Author(s): D. S. Yadav, Chakresh kumar, Jitendra Singh, Parashuram and Ghanendra Kumar

New approaches to automatic headline generation for Arabic documents

February 2012

  A headline is considered a condensed summary of a document. The necessity for automatic headline generation has been on the rise due to the need to handle a huge number of documents, which is a tedious and time-consuming process. Instead of reading every document, the headline can be used to decide which ones contain important and relevant information. There are two major approaches to automatic headline...

Author(s): Fahad Alotaiby, Salah Foda and Ibrahim Alkharashi

Optimization of spatial join using constraints based- clustering techniques

February 2012

  Spatial joins are used to combine the spatial objects. The efficient processing depends upon the spatial queries. The execution time and input/output (I/O) time of spatial queries are crucial, because the spatial objects are very large and have several relations. In this article, we use several techniques to improve the efficiency of the spatial join; 1. We use R*-trees for spatial queries since R*-trees are...

Author(s): V. Pattabiraman

Hybrid time-frequency domain adaptive filtering algorithm for electrodynamic shaker control

December 2011

  In this paper, adaptive filtering algorithm for control of the vibration force applied on the specimen in testing control systems is presented. Application for adaptive filtering especially in Time Domain is associated with a high computational complexity. This complexity is mitigated by using frequency-domain adaptive filtering scheme. In this paper adaptive filtering algorithm in association with Fast...

Author(s): Martino O. A. Ajangnay

Integrated service quality enhancement of wireless optical communication systems for long haul transmission distances

December 2011

  Optical wireless communication network is gaining acceptance in an increasing number of sectors of science and industry, owing to its unique combination of features: Extremely high bandwidth, rapid deployment time, license and tariff-free bandwidth allocation, and low power consumption, weight, and size. The demand of high signal bandwidth in optical wireless communication networks is growing exponentially...

Author(s): Abd El–Naser A. Mohamed, Hamdy A. Sharahar, Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed and Amina El-Nabawy

Tool for evaluation using virtual reality

November 2011

  This paper shows an educational software for evaluation of Formal Languages subject. Along with a simple interface of easy understanding and application, it is going to present exercises where the student will visualize the automaton on 3D and shall develop the ‘regular expression’ and in a second moment shall develop a minimization of the automaton interacting directly to the 3D object. For the...

Author(s): Adriana Soares Pereira and Sandra Dutra Piovesan

Ultra high speed semiconductor electro-optic modulator devices for gigahertz operation in optical communication systems

November 2011

  The effects of electrodes geometry and temperature on high frequency transmission characteristics are deeply investigated against semiconductor material based electro-optic modulator devices such as aluminum gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) and optical waveguide parameters. Optimization of the electro-optic modulator parameters, where the effective index plays an essential role in the evaluation of the bandwidth...

Author(s): Abd El–Naser A. Mohamed, Mohamed A. Metawe&#;e Ahmed Nabih Zaki Rashed and Amira I. M. Bendary

Interference reduction in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks

September 2011

  There are still a lot of open questions in the field of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and sensor networks. If a topology incurs a large interference, either many communication signals sent by nodes will collide, or the network may experience a serious delay at delivering the data for some nodes, and even consume more energy. So, we reach the conclusion that interference imposes a potential negative impact...

Author(s): Maaly A. Hassan and Ibrahim S. Abuhaiba

Versatile solid-state stepper motor controllers

September 2011

  Alternative forms of solid-state motor controllers have been presented in this paper including the effective use of read only memories in stepper motor controller implementations. An innovative low-cost universal stepper motor controller capable of controlling any kind of stepper motor has also been featured. The treatment includes a way of achieving a time-multiplexed control of several stepper motors with...

Author(s): Inyiama Height Chibueze and Okezie Christiana Chikodi

Commodity futures market mechanism: Mathematical formulation and some analytical properties

June 2011

  This paper deals with the internal structure of a commodity futures market. We proposed a mathematical model representing the mechanism of this market. The model shows the links between market components (transactional prices, transactional quantities, open interest) and traders' states (position, position’s average price, potential wealth and realized wealth). Later, we stated and demonstrated some...

Author(s): F. Laib and M. S. Radjef

A Feature preserved mesh simplification algorithm

June 2011

  Large-volume mesh model faces challenge in rendering, storing, and transmission due to large size of polygon data. Mesh simplification is one of solutions to reduce the data size.This paper presents a mesh simplification method based on feature extraction withcurvature estimation to triangle mesh. The simplified topology preserves good geometricalfeatures in the area with distinct...

Author(s): Jiacai Wang, Lirong Wang, Jinzhu Li and Ichiro Hagiwara

Dynamic task scheduling using service time error and virtual finish time

May 2011

  The computational grid has emerged as an attractive platform to tackle various science and engineering problems. One of the challenging issues in the grid associated with the effective utilization of the heterogeneous resources is scheduling. This paper designs and implements a task-scheduling algorithm considering the dynamicity of the resources and the tasks. We explain the concept of queue’s virtual...

Author(s): S. V. Kasmir Raja and Daphne Lopez

Scenario based performance analysis of reliant ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (R-AODV) for mobile ad hoc network

May 2011

  A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a peer-to-peer wireless network, that is, nodes can communicate with each other without the use of infrastructure. Besides, nodes are free to join and/or leave the network at anytime, move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily. Due to this nature of MANET, there could be some malicious and selfish nodes that try compromise the routing protocol functionality and make...

Author(s): H. S. H. Jassim, S. K. Tiong, S. Yussof, S. P. Koh and R. Ismail

Hybrid mixed handover for call blocking probability analysis in wireless ATM network

April 2011

  This paper focuses on the problem of congestion control in wireless ATM network based on new Hybrid Scheme proposed by the authors to solve the hand off/hand over problem in ATM-based PCN, which aims to give handover calls high priority over new calls. It presents a non-disruptive handoff protocol with dynamic channel reservation for wireless ATM networks. The analytical results are verified by a simulation...

Author(s): Parag Jain, S. C. Gupta

Sample reduction using recursive and segmented data structure analysis

April 2011

  Support vector machine (SVM) is one of the widely used machine learning algorithms because of its salient features such as margin maximization and kernel substitution for classification and regression of data in a high dimensional feature space. But SVMs still face difficulties in handling large datasets. This difficulty is because of solving quadratic programming problems in SVMs which is costly, especially...

Author(s): R. H. Laskar, F. A. Talukdar, Biman Paul and Debmalya Chakrabarty

Design of fuzzy PD-controlled overhead crane system with anti-swing compensation

March 2011

  This work aimed to find a proper control strategy to transfer loads using overhead cranes. The proposed control strategy, which is Fuzzy PD-based, should take into account two main factors. First, the time needed to move the payload from the initial pick up point to the destination point that must be minimized. Secondly, the oscillation of the payload must be reduced to prevent hazards for people and...

Author(s): Shebel Asad, Maazouz Salahat, Mohammad Abu Zalata, Mohammad Alia and Ayman Al Rawashdeh

Construction and adjustment of differential polynomial neural network

March 2011

  Artificial neural networks in general are used to identify patterns according to their entire relationship, responding to related patterns with a similar output of applying absolute values of variables. However, a lot of real data contain some unknown relations of variables. Learning of these dependencies could be a new way of modelling complex systems instead of usual time series prediction based on pattern...

Author(s):   Ladislav Zjavka

Cooperative control and synchronization with time delays of multi-robot systems

February 2011

  In this article, we investigate the cooperative control and global asymptotic synchronization of Lagrangian system groups, such as industrial robots. The proposed control approach works to accomplish multi-robot systems synchronization under an undirected connected communication topology. The control strategy is to synchronize each robot in position and velocity to others robots in the network with respect to...

Author(s): Yassine Bouteraa, Asma Ben Mansour, Jawhar Ghommam  and Gérard Poisson

Clustering analysis: A case study of the environmental data of RAMA-Toluca

February 2011

  Recently, the climatic analysis has been widely studied with artificial intelligence tools. The importance of this topic is based on the environment impact produced for natural variations of the data on a certain ecosystem. In this paper, a first study of meteorological parameters obtained with the Automatic Network of Atmospheric Monitoring (by its abbreviation in Spanish, RAMA) of the Toluca, Mexico, is...

Author(s): Miguel Sánchez Sotelo, Rosa María Valdovinos Rosas, Roberto Alejo Eleuterio, Edgar Herrera and Eduardo Gasca

Statistical modeling and computer simulation of corrosion growth in aluminum alloy

September 2010

  An extension of a brick wall model was used to describe corrosion of aluminum alloys. The extended model simulates the behavior of corrosion paths at intersections of grain boundaries within the metal sample. Situations considered include the cases where a corrosion path might assume an upward turn, skip an intersection (not turn) or split into branches. The splitting of a corrosion path results in a smaller...

Author(s): E. Ogala and D. O. Aideyan

Simulating of microstructure and magnetic properties of nanostructured Fe and Fe50Co50 powders by neural networks

September 2010

  In this study, a series of experiments were performed in order to determine the effects of changing milling time on the microstructure and magnetic properties of nanostructured Fe and Fe50Co50 alloys by back propagation neural networks (BPN). The microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe and Fe50Co50 alloys were estimated using the data acquired from the experiments...

Author(s): Ali Heidari, Mehdi Delshad Chermahini and Mohammad Heidari

Implementation of a one-lead ECG human identification system on a normal population

January 2010

  The electrocardiogram (ECG) is not only a very useful diagnostic tool for clinical purposes, but also is a potential new biometric tool for human identification. TheECG may be useful as a biometric in the future, since it can easily be combined with other biometrics to provide a liveness check with little additional cost. This research focused on short-term,...

Author(s): Tsu-Wang (David) Shen, Willis J. Tompkins and Yu Hen Hu

The Writing-Pal tutoring system: Development and design

January 2010

  Writing-Pal is an intelligent tutoring system designed to offer high school students writing strategy instruction and guided practice to improve their essay-writing skills. Students are taught to use writing strategies via interactive lessons, games, and essay-writing practice. This paper presents an overview of Writing-Pal’s foundations and design, which are based on key pedagogical and...

Author(s): Jianmin Dai, Roxanne B. Raine, Rod Roscoe, Zhiqiang Cai and Danielle S. McNamara

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