Full Length Research Paper
A greenhouse study was conducted for six months to investigate the response of cocoa seedlings to organic and inorganic fertilizers. The treatments were cocoa pod husk (CPH), kola pod husk (KPH), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), N + P, N, CPH +N, CPH +NP, CPH + NPK, KPH + N, KPH + NP, KPH + NPK and control. The mineral fertilizers were applied at the rate of 10 kg N ha-1 while the organic fertilizers (CPH and KPH) were at the rate of 2.5 t ha-1 and the combination of the two in 5 kg soil arranged in completely randomized design (CRD) replicated three times. The seedlings were regularly watered and data were collected on growth parameters. The performance of cocoa seedlings across the two locations as demonstrated by the results show that CPH and KPH could be used as sources of nutrient. However, these materials are not sufficient to meet the nutritional demand of the crop, hence, their is need for fortification with mineral fertilizer. CPH and/or KPH fortified with mineral fertilizers will aid the growth of cocoa seedling on old cocoa soil irrespective of the location. The percentage germination of the cocoa seedling was enhanced by the use of this organic material 73 and 95% for Ibadan and Mayo-Selbe, respectively. The treatment had a positive effect on the nitrogen level of the soil as CPH (8.14) and is slightly higher than NPK (6.99).
Key words: Cocoa pod husk (CPH), kola pod husk (KPH), cocoa plantation, cocoa seedlings, soil amelioration, fertilizers.
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