Full Length Research Paper
Soil fertility, growth, nutrient uptake and yield traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. var. JL24) were investigated under two organic fertilizers (indigenous microorganisms (IMO) or effective microorganisms (EM) with three replications. Application of IMO or EM fertilizers had significant effects on soils fertility compared to untreated soils. Total nitrogen, organic carbon, total phosphorus, calcium and magnesium led to a significant increase under organic fertilizers. IMO fertilizer supply at 20 g significantly increased the shoot length and the number of leaves compared to the EM fertilizer and untreated plants. In contrast, the highest values of stem diameter and leaf area were recorded at 40 g of EM supply. The highest values of pod (1.25 and 1.18 t/ha) and grain yield (0.96 and 0.98 t/ha) were recorded at 10 and 20 g for IMO and EM, respectively. Application of EM and IMO at 10 or 20 g led to a significant increase in nitrogen and phosphorus contents in leaves and roots with the highest accumulation of nitrogen at the roots level of treated plants. Nitrogen and proteins contents of peanut seeds were positively influenced by IMO and EM supply at 10 and 20 g, respectively. The use of IMO and EM fertilizers could enhance peanut growth performance in sandy ferralitic soils.
Key words: Field performance, plant growth, fertilizers, yield traits, Arachis hypogaea.
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