Full Length Research Paper
The study examined the influence of Farmer Based Organization (FBO) interaction with research and extension service providers on the adoption of technologies by members of FBOs in the Central Region of Ghana. In conducting the study, a combination of purposive and convenient sampling methods was utilized in selecting the FBOs and other key players in the field. In all, the study covered 177 respondents. The approach utilized in the collection of data for the study was the quantitative research approach, thus questionnaire survey was the key method employed in the data collection. The quantitative data collected were analyzed statistically using the SPSS version 16 software. The findings revealed that there was a higher and more frequent interaction between members of FBOs and extension service providers and research institutions. The study further revealed that the majority of the FBO members who had interaction with both research institutions and extension service providers resulted in a higher contribution to the adoption of technologies. The study recommends that there should be continuous interaction between members of FBOs and extension service providers and research institutions, as this will help maintain the higher adoption of improved technologies and subsequently improved FBO’sfarm productivity.
Key words: Adoption, Farmer Based Organisations, technologies.
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