Full Length Research Paper
In Benin, stored yam chips are severely attacked by Dinoderus porcellus Lesne which causes important losses. The use of medicinal plants combined with the insect-resistant yam chips can be an efficient alternative of chemical insecticides for yam chips protection. This study aims to evaluate an integrated pest management of D. porcellus using combined effects of resistant yam chips (Boniwouré, Gaboubaba, Wonmangou, and Yakanougo landraces) and leaves powder of Bridelia ferruginea Benth, Blighia sapida Juss and Khaya senegalensis Cronquist. For that, repellence, weight loss, mortality and progeny production were evaluated with Antouka commercial insecticide as positive control and untreated yam chips as negative control. The results revealed that all treatments are strongly repellent and showed important reproductive inhibition rate and remarkable inhibition of emergency of D. porcellus progeny. The weight loss due of yam chips treated with the three medicinal plants was not significantly different from those treated with Antouka, but significantly different from untreated yam chips. Only K. senegalensis at 2% (w/w) combined with Wonmangou landrace was able to achieve 66.2% of mortality after 21 days of experimentation. Hence, combination of resistant yam chips with leaves powder of these three medicinal plants could be promoted for integrated management of D. porcellus.
Key words: Dinoderus porcellus, integrated pest management, medicinal plants, resistance varietal, storage, yam chips.
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