Full Length Research Paper
Different studies were done in order to investigate the occurrence of bacterial diseases on different crops grown in Jordan during different growing seasons. Surveys were made and different bacterial diseases have been recorded based on symptoms and pathogenic nature. Morphological characters, biochemical tests and PCR detections were employed in order to detect and identify the causal agents of different inspected plant bacterial diseases. In addition, the distribution of the identified bacterial diseases, throughout the country was recorded. The results of our study revealed the occurrence of different bacterial diseases attacking different crops; grown in many growing regions throughout the country. Some of them were found to have a wide host range such as crown gall and soft rot, while others had a restricted host range as in the case of bacterial speck of tomato which was found to be restricted to tomato and black leg of potato. As a result of this study, the following diseases; angular leaf spot of cucumber, tomato speck, common blight, crown gall, soft rot, black rot, black leg and bacterial cankers resulted in high economic losses in yield. The spread of these diseases in the different areas in Jordan with different environmental conditions may result in the development of new races of the causal agents without developing typical symptoms making their diagnoses under field conditions difficult. Whereas the bacterial diseases needs deep and ideal studies in order to diagnose diseases, the diagnoses of these diseases act as the base for researchers to challenge and withdraw researches into the improvement of novel, more effective and sustainable bacterial disease control strategies.
Key words: Bacterial diseases, survey, Jordan.
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