Full Length Research Paper
The evaluation of salinity tolerance of rice germplasms based on phenotype and genotype of 100 rice germplasm was identified at the seedling stage at the High Agricultural Technology Research Institute for Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Screening of the phenotype was done with 30 day old seedlings using salinized concentrations (EC = 8 and 15 dS/m). Results show that the growth of the varieties, the higher the salt concentration, the lower the survival date, the lower the tree height, the higher the root length, and the weight of the stem and roots were all significant positive correlations in this study. These indicators are also closely correlated with each other. This shows that saline conditions greatly affect the survival, growth, and development of rice. Genotypic analysis on the RM223 and RM3252 molecular markers recorded polymorphism on both indicators. Among rice germplasms, the proposed varieties including Pokkali, OM4900, HATRI144, HATRI60, OM5704, HATR162, HATRI131 and HATRI132 were found to have salt tolerance for evaluation future of the breeding program. Thus, the RM233 and RM3252 used in this study are proved available to identify salt tolerance for rice breeding.
Key words: Phenotype, genotype, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, salt stress, seedling stage, rice.
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