Full Length Research Paper
Impaction of different brands of commercial layers feeds on egg quality was assessed in a complete block design with five treatments in three blocks replicated with twenty birds each. Hyline birds and the deep litter system were used. Feed constituents from proximate analysis were linearly correlated to quality parameters measured on the eggs. Results showed that nutrition impacts on most egg quality parameters except for size, mass and numbers. Fat, calcium and copper impacted linearly as determinants in feed intake whereas fat, calcium manganese and copper correlated to egg white protein with reasonable linearity. Feed protein, fat, phosphate and zinc impacted directly on the yolk whereas fat, copper and zinc were linearly correlated to shell strength. Mathematical models from this data can be formulated for precise optimization of targeted traits in egg quality. It was concluded that fluctuations in feed quality has a toll on the hen and hence on egg quality.
Key words: Egg quality, diet, correlations.
AF, Abdominal fat; Ca, calcium; CaPO4, calcium phosphate; CI, confidence Interval; Cu, copper; CW, carcass weight; DC, diet cost; FAO, Food and Agricultural Organization; FCR, food conversion ratio; FE, feed Efficiency; FI, feed intake; Mn, manganese; NaCl, sodium chloride; NAP, National Academic Press; P, phosphorus; PUFA, poly unsaturated fatty acids; RCBD, random complete block display.
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