Full Length Research Paper
In Ethiopia, chickpea is an important grain legume next to faba bean and common bean. Quality seed production and associated technologies could be mentioned among the major challenges that limit chickpea production and productivity in Ethiopia. This study was conducted to assess the quality of seeds at different generation classes as obtained from various sources that would contribute an estimate of more than half the chickpea seed suppliers. Thirty one seed samples taken from ten different formal seed sources and four seed classes were used to test physical, physiological and seed health parameters. The result of the laboratory study indicated that seed sources and classes have affected highly significantly the moisture content and hundred seed weight. Correlation analysis showed that seed purity had positive and highly significantly influenced standard germination, vigor index, seedling dry weight and hundred seed weight. Similarly, vigor index was correlated positively and highly significantly with speed of standard germination and root length. Considering seed health as standard quality parameters showed that no seed sources and classes met the standards set by the national seed quality. The seed regulatory unit should be considered in the future in enhancing the seed standard levels and on undermined factors associated to seed health.
Key words: Physical purity, seed class, seed health, seed vigor.
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