Full Length Research Paper
The forest plantations depends on appropriate initial seedling establishment, which occurs when primary factors (water, light, CO2 and nutrients) are within appropriate ranges. The purpose this study was to evaluate the growth of young parica plants (Schizolobium amazonicum Huber ex Ducke) grown in different organic substrates (chicken manure, goat manure and organic matter) in proportions of 5, 10, 15 and 20% in yellow argisol. Among the studied treatments, the best response in plant height growth was observed in T2 (5% goat manure in yellow argisol). For the mean diameter, it was observed that T4 (15% goat manure in yellow argisol) allowed greater of growth parica seedlings. In addition, for the quality parameters: ratio of shoot height and root collar diameter (H/RCD), heigh and dry mass air part relation (H/DMAP) and Dickson Quality Index (DQI), the best values were for seedlings cultivated with goat manure, in relation to the other treatments. Therefore, young parica plants grown on substrates with goat and chicken manure showed significant improvements in growth performance, according to fundamentally chemical characteristics of these substrates.
Key words: Chicken manure, goat manure, organic matter, seedling production.
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