Full Length Research Paper
Thirty intact growing lambs were used to evaluate feed intake, digestibility and growth performance of Begait sheep breed kept under different feeding options. Animals were used in randomized completely block design with three dietary treatments in ten replicates. Treatments were grass hay fed ad libitum to all treatments plus a mixed diet of 48% wheat bran, 15% molasses, 35% cotton seed cake, 1% salt and 1% limestone (T1); 43% wheat bran, 20% sorghum grain, 35% Noug seed cake, 1% salt and 1% limestone (T2) and 47% wheat bran, 16% molasses, 35% sesame seed cake, 1% salt and 1% limestone (T3). Sheep in T3 (1123 g DM/day) consumed more feed (P < 0.001) as compared to sheep in T2 (1077 g DM/day) and T1 (1057 g DM/day). Higher apparent digestibility of DM, OM, CP, NDF and ADF were obtained in T3 groups than in the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Average daily gain was significantly higher for T3 (158 g/day) than T2 (120 g/day) and T1 (118 g/day) (P < 0.001). Diet 3 was better as compared to the other feeding options.
Key words: Apparent digestibility, average daily gain, feed consumption, sheep.
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