Full Length Research Paper
Hypsometric information of seedlings allows greater assertiveness of silvicultural decisions in nurseries. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of different Probability Density Functions (PDF) to estimate and compare the height distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus seedlings in different cultivation containers. One hundred and thirty one seedlings were produce in two types of containers; 81 units in tubes and the remaining in plastic bags. The census was realized at 122-day old, measuring total height of the seedlings using millimeter ruler. The seedlings did not present a tender or brittle caulinar system. Data were grouped into biometric classes with regular intervals of 2.5 cm in height. Seven PDF were adjusted using maximum likelihood method and the one with the best predictive performance was selected to identify the statistical equality between the distributions estimated for the seedling size in each container. The order of predictive efficiency of PDF was distinct between recipients. The Weibull of two parameters function can be used to model the height distribution of H. heptaphyllus seedlings at 122-day old, produced in plastic bags and tubes. The hypsometric distribution was different between containers.
Key words: Height, probability density functions, ipê-roxo.
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