Full Length Research Paper
The study was executed to examine the cost implication of labour used by cocoa farmers during periods of incapacitation caused by malaria and to determine the perception of the farmers on malaria preventive methods. Descriptive statistics were used to classify farmers by days of incapacitation and the cost of labour for cocoa plantation management when farmers were absent from the cocoa plantation because of malaria. A five-point Likert scale was used to determine the perception of farmers on various malaria preventive methods. The sample frame for the study was derived from secondary data obtained from records of Ondo State Ministry of Health on registered cocoa farmers who had malaria during the production season in 2015. Multi-stage, systematic and purposive samplings were used to select 180 respondents. The variables measured include: Number of days of incapacitation, additional labour cost incurred during periods of incapacitation and malaria preventive methods. The mean days of incapacitation were 24 days. It was revealed that farmers incurred extra expenses on: Pruning, harvesting, spraying, pollination and general farm sanitation.
Key words: Incapacitation, pruning, harvesting, spraying, pollination and five-point Likert scale.
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