Full Length Research Paper
The effect of bio-stimulant AQUASAP manufactured from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Rhodophyta) farmed in Indian water on the yield and oil content of peanut and sunflower was studied under field condition. The AQUASAP at 5% foliar application promoted the vegetative growth, yield and oil content in both peanut and sunflower significantly. Compared to control the yield of seed in peanut increased by 31.69% with 14.27% more oil content similarly on sunflower the increase in seed yield and oil content were 51.50 and 15.77% respectively. Therefore, the bio-stimulant AQUASAP can be applied on oil crops like peanut and sunflower to improve the yield and quality of crop and therefore, it has huge potential to contribute to organic agriculture in future.
Key words: AQUASAP, bio-stimulant, plant nutrient, seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii, peanut, sunflower, yield and oil content.
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