Full Length Research Paper
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica) interferes with the production of tomato. The indiscriminate use of chemical nematicides brings negative consequences to society. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of crambe extract on the control of M. javanica, with different modes and application times, in tomato. Studies were conducted during the 2014 cropping season at the climatized greenhouse located at the Biological Cotrol Complex and Protected Cultivation. Prof. Dr. Mário César Lopes, belongs to State University of West Paraná- UNIOESTE, campus Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná, Brazil. The experiment was laid out in a factorial design. The roots of tomato seedlings were immersed in the extract, with different modes of application (roots + soil, roots + leaf, roots + soil + leaf), in four different times of application (before inoculation; during the inoculation; after inoculation; and weekly until 45 days after inoculation). Seven days after the transplant of tomato plants was performed, evaluations were made for the inoculation of 2.500 eggs of M. javanica (and 513 J2) per pot, and 45 days after inoculation. For egg mass, times after inoculation and weekly were efficient, with greater reduction by way of root + leaf and root + soil, respectively. The reduction of total root-knots was efficient for the weekly time by way of root + soil and root + soil + leaf, and lesser than 41 and 47.75% compared to the control. In the repetition of the experiment, for modes by root + soil + leaf in weekly applications, eggs mass and total root-knots were lesser than 60.95 and 27.95% compared to the control. Although, other methods and application times also present positive results in reducing J2 and eggs per gram of root and per 100 cm3 of soil, the weekly time by way of root + soil + leaf confirmed their results in a repetition of the experiment with reduced population M. javanica.
Key words: Solanum lycopersicum L., root-knots, egg mass, induced resistance, nematode
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