Full Length Research Paper
The aim of the present study is to select superior cassava genotypes based on agro-morphological traits using three non-parametric indices and to correlate them in order to verify the degree of agreement between them. Traits such as number of branches, plant height, stem diameter, distance between internodes, height of the first branch, number of roots, root diameter, root length, shoot yield and root yield in experiments conducted in the Experimental Farm of Malanje Food Company were evaluated. Data collected were subjected to an analysis of variance and to Scott and Knott clustering test. Mean values were subjected to multiplicative indices of sum of classification and genotype-ideotype distance. The morpho-agronomic traits used to assess the 40 cassava genotypes pointed out the existence of promising materials that can be used to diversify cassava cultivation in Angola. The sum of classification and genotype-ideotype distance indices allowed a more realistic ranking of cassava genotypes. The genotype-ideotype distance index did not present any correlation with the multiplicative and sum of classification indices as well. Genotypes Tio Jojo, Ngana Yuculu, Kimbanda, Vermute, Jaca Vermelha and Jaca Branca have the potential to be incorporated into cassava cultivation in Angola
Key words: Manihot esculenta, multiplicative index, sum of classification index, genotype-ideotype distance index, variability.
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