Full Length Research Paper
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is subject to various disease problems and insect attacks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlations of climatic elements on the phases of the lacebug, Vatiga illudens in two cultivars of cassava. The study was carried out in a greenhouse using the ‘Sergipana’ and ‘Campina’ cultivars. Data were analyzed using the Pearson index for linear correlations. Comparisons between the cultivars and the insect population were performed using boxplot tests, with 95% confidence intervals. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and were compared using the Tukey test at 5% probability. In cassava phenological stages, height and number of branches were different between the cultivars of. The greatest number of individual lace bugs was found in the ‘Campina’ cultivar, with an increase in the population during August. Nymphs and adults of V. illudens populations varied monthly in ‘Sergipana’ cultivar with a peak in June and August. There was a significant correlation between the phenological stages of the cassava cultivars and the climatic elements on lace bug population fluctuations in a greenhouse.
Key words: Abiotic factors, lacebug, Manihot esculenta, plant production.
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