Full Length Research Paper
Fenugreek is one of the major seed spice crop grown in India and mainly cultivated in the state of Rajasthan. The crop occupies about 94000 ha area with annual production of 116000 tonnes (2011-12). Front line demonstrations (FLDs) on fenugreek with three interventions (improved varieties, line sowing and seed treatment) were conducted at Farmers’ fields of adopted village Alniawas in district Nagaur of Rajasthan state during winter season of the years 2009 to 2010, 2010 to 2011 and 2011 to 2012. On the basis of three years’ overall average, it is inferred that about 23.51 higher grains yield was recorded under FLDs than that of the farmers’ traditional check/ practice. The study exhibited mean extension gap of 299 kg ha-1, technology gap of 929 kg ha-1 with mean technology index of 37.16%. An additional investment of Rs. 1400 ha-1 coupled with recommended nutrient, water management, plant protection measures, scientific monitoring and non-monetary factors resulted in additional mean returns of Rs. 8970 ha-1. The overall average Incremental benefit: Cost ratio was calculated as 6.41.
Key words: Economics, fenugreek, front line demonstrations (FLDs), gap analysis, grain yield.
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