African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 12 March; 7(10)

March 2012

Effects of activation of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-α by clofibrate on carnitine homeostasis in laying hens

In this study, the hypothesis was investigated that activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-α regulates homeostasis of carnitine in laying hens. Therefore, laying hens received  either a control diet or a diet supplemented with 0.15% clofibrate as a synthetic PPARα agonist for 4  weeks. Feed intake was not different between both groups of hens while egg production rate was...

Author(s): Mohamed Shibani , Janine Keller , Holger Kluge , Bettina König , Gabriele I. Stangl ,  Robert Ringseis  and Klaus Eder

March 2012

The effect of different levels of savory medicinal plant (Satureja hortensis L.) on growth performance, carcass traits, immune cells and blood biochemical parameters of broilers

The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different levels of Satureja hortensis L. (Savory) medicinal plant dried aerial part powder on growth performance, carcass traits, immune cells and blood biochemical parameters of broilers. Three hundred broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design in five treatments and three replicates (20 birds per replicate) for a period of 42...

Author(s): Ali Nobakht, Mehrab Nobakht and Ali Reza Safamehr

March 2012

Tolerance of rhizobia isolated from Trifolium species in Southeast region, Åžanliurfa, Turkey

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of salt, fungicide, herbicide, antibiotics, heavy metal on growth of Rhizobium isolates from root nodules of Trifolium species from Åžanliurfa, Turkey. All of the isolates, expect TC2 were found to tolerate a relatively high salt concentration. None of the isolates grew at pH 4 and four isolates grew at pH 4.5. All of the rhizobial isolates showed resistance to...

Author(s): Cenap Cevheri and ÇiÄŸdem Küçük 

March 2012

Effect of climate on the in vitro first-order ruminal disappearance kinetics of dry matter in grain of semi-arid native barley cultivars

An experiment was conducted to determine the in vitro first-order disappearance kinetics of dry matter in grain of  six semi-arid native barley cultivars (Hordeum vulgare) adapted to grow at different climates known as cold (Bahman, Makoeei), moderate (Reyhan 03, Kavir) and hot (Dasht and Sahra). Samples (n=10) were assessed for bulk density (BD) and chemical composition. In addition, in vitro first-order kinetics...

Author(s): Einollah Abdi Ghezeljeh, Mohsen Danesh Mesgaran, Hassan Nassiri Moghaddam and Alireza Vakili

March 2012

Variability of rainfall and its current trend in Amhara region, Ethiopia

In most of African countries whose economy is heavily depending on rainfed agriculture, accurate estimation of the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and observing its trends are crucial input parameters for securing sustainable agricultural production. This paper examines the spatial and temporal rainfall characteristics of Amhara Region, Ethiopia; using standard rainfall statistical descriptors. For this...

Author(s): Dereje Ayalew, Kindie Tesfaye, Girma Mamo, Birru Yitaferu and Wondimu Bayu

March 2012

The traits, oil content and correlation studies of seed and kernel in Jatropha curcas L.

In most of African countries whose economy is heavily depending on rainfed agriculture, accurate estimation of the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and observing its trends are crucial input parameters for securing sustainable agricultural production. This paper examines the spatial and temporal rainfall characteristics of Amhara Region, Ethiopia; using standard rainfall statistical descriptors. For this...

Author(s): Dereje Ayalew, Kindie Tesfaye, Girma Mamo, Birru Yitaferu and Wondimu Bayu

March 2012

Allelopathic effects of Amaranthus retroflexus and Amaranthus cruentus extracts on germination of garden cress

The objective of the present study was to analyze and compare the allelopathic activities of weedy and grain amaranths. For this purpose, the seeds of garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) were germinated on filter paper moistened with aqueous extracts of Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Amaranthus cruentus L. cv. ‘G6’. The extracts were prepared from fresh roots, stems, leaves, and inflorescence with seeds (1: 2...

Author(s): Silva Grobelnik Mlakar, Manfred Jakop, Martina Bavec and Franc Bavec

March 2012

Sub-optimal irrigation affects chemical quality attributes of dates during fruit development

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is primarily cultivated in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa that are characterized by high evapotranspiration, low and sporadic rainfall and dependency on irrigation for crop cultivation. The effects of sub-optimal irrigation on the chemical properties of dates were investigated. Chemical quality attributes of date palm (cv. Khalas) grown in northern Oman showed variable...

Author(s): Rashid Al-Yahyai and Latifa Al-Kharusi

March 2012

Sheep market participation of rural households in Western Ethiopia

Sheep production is an integral part of the subsistence crop-livestock based livelihoods of the Ethiopian highlands and plays a crucial role in economic development and poverty reduction. This study analyzed determinants of intensity of market participation of smallholder sheep keepers in Western Ethiopia. Data were generated from the rural households in their villages in Horro Guduru locality, Western Ethiopia. Poisson...

Author(s): Zelalem G. Terfa, A. Haile, D. Baker and Girma T. Kassie

March 2012

Investigating the effects of different grazing ratios and stocking rate of cattle and goats under mixed-species grazing on different plant species

The study focused on investigating the effects of different grazing ratios and stocking rate of cattle and goats under mixed species grazing on different species of plant. The experimental site was Matopos Research Station farm in Zimbabwe. This study was confined to the commonest grass species and forbs at the experimental site. Treatments spanned a period of eight years; from 1999 to 2007. Generally, heavy goats...

Author(s): Daniel Maposa, Philimon Nyamugure, ‘Maseka Lesaoana and Nyasha Nyahwema

March 2012

Effects of some heavy metals and heavy metal hormone interactions on wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Gun 91) seedlings

In this study, effects of heavy metals which are lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd), alone, and their interactions with abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA3) hormones on soluble proteins, soluble phenolics and the amount of free proline have been investigated with respect to time (5th and 10th) days in wheat seedlings. At seedlings on which heavy metals and heavy metals + hormones applied, the amount of free...

Author(s): Nuray Ergün and IÅŸil Öncel

March 2012

Application of the multivariate analysis method for some traits in maize

This experiment was carried out on the basis of complete randomized block design with three replications and 15 foreign hybrids new hybrids of corn in addition 3 commercial hybrid (as control) under normal sowing date and delayed sowing date condition in the Khorasan Razavi Agricultural Research Centre, Iran in the year 2008. This study showed that among all hybrids, EXP1 (18.61 ton/ha) and SIMON (17.91 ton/ha) had the...

Author(s): Maryam Ashofteh Beiragi, Barat Ali Siah Sar, Hossein Sadeghi Geive, Majid Nasrolah Alhossini, Atena Rahmani and Ali Bakhtiari Gharibdoosti

March 2012

Effects of vermicompost application and seed inoculation with biological nitrogen fertilizer under different plant densities in soybean [Glycine max (L.) cultivar, Williams]

 For studying the effects of vermicompost application, seeds inoculation with biological nitrogen fertilizer nitroxin and plant density management in soybean cultivar Williams, an experiment in factorial design with three factors based on randomized complete block design with 3 replication in the Astaneh Ashrafiyeh County (north of Iran) during 2010 was conducted. The factors of experiment consists off seed...

Author(s): Ebrahim Azarpour, Maral Moradi and Hamid Reza Bozorgi

March 2012

Performance assessment of surface and subsurface drip irrigation system for date palm fruit trees

Surface and subsurface drip irrigation methods can play a significant role in overcoming the scarcity of water mostly in water shortage areas. A field study was conducted to know the effectiveness of surface and subsurface drip irrigation systems under different plasticity pipes, in terms of both water use requirement and yield of date palms at Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia. Mature palm trees of different varieties with 10 m...

Author(s): Talat Farid Ahmed, Hashim Nisar Hashmi, Abdul Razzaq Ghumman and A. A. Sheikh

March 2012

Quality evaluation of canned cauliflower pickles prepared with different ingredients

The aim of this research was to evaluate sensory quality of canned cauliflower pickles having different ingredients in their brines and the losses occurred in nutritive value especially in total phenolics and antioxidant activity due to processing. For this purpose, cauliflower florets were blanched in water containing NaCl (0.1%), Ca-ascorbate (0.25%), citric acid (0.1%), ascorbic acid (0.5%) and sodium metabisulphite...

Author(s):       Canan Ece Tamer

March 2012

Gut contents of Osteochilus hasselti (Valenciennes, 1842) and Thynnichthys thynnoides (Bleeker, 1852) from Kaeng Lawa, Khon Kaen Province, Northeastern Thailand

 Gut contents of the hard-lipped barb (Osteochilus hasselti (Valenciennes, 1842)) and the tiny scale barb (Thynnichthys thynnoides (Bleeker, 1852)) were analyzed.  Fish samples were collected from Kaeng Lawa, Khon Kaen Province, northeastern Thailand during the hot season (April and May 2009) and the late rainy season (September 2009).  The percentage of frequency of occurrences (%F) and percentage of...

Author(s): Hanjavanit, C. and Sangpradub, N.

March 2012

Effects of long-term cotton plantations on Fusarium and Verticillium wilt diseases infection in China

The population density of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, disease index of cotton fusarium wilt along with the relation of the wilt disease and pathogen density in long-term cotton plantations were studied by the methods of dilution plating and field investigation. Microsclerotium densities of Verticillium dahliae and disease index of verticillium wilt were also studied. The results showed that both pathogen...

Author(s):  Lan Wang, Hongzu Feng, Liping Teng, Xiaofei Chen, Hongxia Dan, Shiqiong Lu, Jianmei Xu and Ligang Zhou

March 2012

Canonical and typological analysis of the relationship between soil and trees - A step toward ecosystem management

The goal of this study was to establish a correlation between physico-chemical soil properties and tree species composition using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). After eliminating the statistically insignificant soil chemical and physical parameters from the correlation analysis, five factors remained: soil drainage, drought throughout the soil, drought in the root layer and dryness in the topsoil during the...

Author(s): Sinan Destan and Ibrahim Yurtseven

March 2012

Effect of kinetin on quality and harvest date of loquat fruit

Loquat fruit is a sweet-acid fruit and rich in natural antioxidants. However, the harvest season of loquat fruit is rather short and it has a short shelf life after harvesting. Therefore, an effective method is needed for postponing fruit harvest date in order to avoid peak sales. In our study, we investigated the effect of kinetin (Kn) treatment on fruit color, size, weight and levels of chlorophyll (Chl), total...

Author(s): Heqiang Lou, Ping Chen, Hong Zheng, Cuicui Xu and Hongfei Lu

March 2012

The agricultural land tenancy contract from the Islamic perspective and its practice among farmers: A study in Selangor, Malaysia

In agricultural activities, there are times when farmers have to lease their land to increase the space area for the agricultural activities and sometimes, it is due to them not owning their own land. Land leasing is done by getting cash or by dividing the agricultural product between the land owner and the farmer at 1/2 or 1/4 profit sharing, depending on the agreement between the two parties. Payment for leasing land...

Author(s):  Asmak Ab. Rahman and Pazim Fadzim Othman

March 2012

Satisfaction with living conditions in rural areas near urban centers: A Case of Zagreb, Croatia

Rural areas near city centres show significant demographic, infrastructural and economic differences in relation to remote ones. This is especially pronounced in countries experiencing significant, often sudden political, economic and other changes in a short period of time. Having become independent in 1991, the Republic of Croatia had replaced planned economy with the market economy, undergone a five-year period of...

Author(s): Ivo Grgić, Magdalena Zrakić, Ljiljana Gašparec-Skočić, and Ornella Mikuš

March 2012

A comparison between tomato quality of mature-green and red- ripe stages in soilless culture

The aim of this study was to compare between postharvest tomato quality of mature-green and red- ripe stages produced in soilless culture. The research was conducted in a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The treatments included: palmpeat 1 + perlite (v/v = 50%)‚ palmpeat 2 + perlite (v/v = 50%)‚ perlite (100%), palmpeat 1 (100%) (non fermentation) and palmpeat 2 (100%) (3 manth fermentation)...

Author(s): Hassan Borji and Ghehsareh Mehrdad Jafarpour

March 2012

Economic analysis of major crop production systems in Iran: A case study from Kermanshah province

The purpose of this study was to explain analysis of major crop production systems in Kermanshah province of Iran. Data were collected from 180 farms in Kermanshah province using a face to face questionnaire performed in 2011. Farms were selected based on random sampling method. Economic analysis was carried out by taking various cost components into consideration, including production costs and the total production...

Author(s): Mohammad Yousefi