August 2013
The effects of organic fortification with pulse sprout extracts from horse gram and cowpea on the seedling quality characteristics of rice variety Co. 43
Rice is the staple food for over half of the Indian population ways and means to fortify seeds organically for better seed vigour has become important and emphasized. Seed fortification is one of the important seed invigouration treatment. The study was conducted to determine the effects of seed fortification with pulse sprout extract on seedling quality characteristics of rice seeds. Laboratory experiment was conducted...
August 2013
Growth assessment of endangered Aframomum sceptrum (Braun) under different planting regime for sustainable utilization
The study investigated the growth assessment and germination study of endangered Aframomum sceptrum(Braun) under different planting regime for sustainable utilization. The result of various planting regime showed that shoot height was highest in seeds planted 5 days after extraction (35.36 cm) closely followed by 3 days after extraction (31.36 cm) and the least value was found in 14 days after extraction. In the...
August 2013
Effect of bulb density, nitrogen application time and deheading on growth, yield and relative economics of daffodil cv. Tunis (Narcissus sp.)
A two years field experiment to study the effect of bulb density, nitrogen application time and deheading on the growth and bulb yield of daffodil cv. Tunis was conducted during winter seasons of 2009 to 2010 and 2010 to 2011 on silty clay loam soil, low in available Nitrogen, medium in available phosphorus and potassium with neutral pH. The study revealed that the bulb density at 15.0 t ha-1 proved significantly...
August 2013
Xylem vessel element structure explains why columnar apple trees flower early and have higher yield
The vessel elements of secondary xylem in branches of columnar and normal apple trees were studied by isolation method and micrograph. The lengths and diameters were measured and the type of side wall (reticulate or pitted) was noted. Most of the perforation plates were simple. Normal apples had more abnormal vessel element cells than columnar apples. The average diameter of the xylem vessel elements of columnar apples...
August 2013
Physiological and biochemical behavior in banana cultivars and hybrids under water deficit
Water deficit is a major problem in banana grown under tropical and sub-tropical region climatic conditions. It affects plant growth and development and ultimately leads to a considerable bunch yield reduction or crop failure. Although the banana cultivars and hybrids are susceptible to water deficit, there is a marked genotypic variation in morphology of the plant and rooting pattern in banana in response to water...
August 2013
A detailed descriptive study of all the wheat production parameters in Punjab, Pakistan
In this paper an effort has been made to conduct a detailed descriptive study of all the measurable parameters surveyed by Agriculture Department, each year that influence wheat production in the Punjab, Pakistan. A descriptive study of all individuals as well as interaction of various allied variables has been carried out to assess their influence on the production / variation of wheat. For this purpose a data of 25036...
August 2013
An analysis of the determinants of household level production and marketing of beans in Eastern Congo
Legumes and especially beans provide some of the most widely grown crops in the East and Central Africa region. The question of whether certain crops, specifically beans, are more beneficial to women than to men in relation to cash crops and other cereals, has been raised from time to time. In the central Africa region and in particular in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bean production has been promoted in the...
August 2013
Eco-farming models and their regional differentiations of Shaanxi, China
By statistical analysis and cluster analysis, the study investigated eco-farming models and their regional distributions of twelve counties of Shaanxi Province. It categorized the eco-farming models into seven basic models and analyzed the distributions of the basic models of the different counties. Its results showed that of the sampled counties of Shaanxi, the average number of the eco-farming models was 6.2 and the...
August 2013
Reengineering agricultural technology education based on constructivism, engineering design and systems thinking in farming systems of Khuzestan province, Iran
The main objective of research was reengineering agricultural technology education based on constructivism,engineering design and systems thinking in farming systems of Khouzestan province, Iran. The method of research was correlative descriptive and causal relation. A random sample of agricultural extension educators of Khouzestan province, Iran (n=105) were selected for participation in the...
August 2013
Endogenous methods for preservation of wagashi, a Beninese traditional cheese
Traditional cheese locally called wagashi is a good proteins source with high water content (60%) which is favorable for microorganism’s growth that affects its quality. This work summarizes the endogenous methods used for wagashi preservation in Benin. Data have been collected during a survey toward 318 producers, 164 retailers and 464 consumers of Wagashi randomly selected from six agroecological...
August 2013
Rheological characterization and texture of commercial mayonnaise using back extrusion
When creating or redesigning food product researchers need to pay special attention to textural and rheological properties. Texture is a sensory perception derived from the structure of food and is related to viscosity and elasticity. Mayonnaise is semi-solid oil-in-water emulsion with starch in its formulations when fat-reduced. Under shear forces it exhibits different types of macroscopic flow behavior, such as shear...
August 2013
Pesticides occurrence in groundwater sources of Mouzaïa (Algeria)
Mitidja Plain, located in the North of Algeria, is considered as the most important agricultural area of Algeria, where pesticides are widely used. This study assesses pesticides occurrence in the groundwater beneath Mouzaïa situated in the west of Mitidja. In 6 selected sampling points, 5 pesticides belonging to different chemical families: oganophosphorus (Malathion, Parathion), organochlorines (DDT and Aldrine)...
August 2013
Effect of transgenic cotton expressing Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 protein on infectivity of the entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema karii and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora
Entomopathogenic nematodes are used in biological control of pests. The cry proteins from insect resistant cotton may affect their infectivity. The effect of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton (06Z604D) on infectivity ofHeterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema karii was investigated in the green house. The nematodes were introduced into pots containing Bt cotton (06Z604D), isoline...