April 2014
Evaluation of insolvency in mutual credit unions by the models of artificial neural networks and support vector machines
This study aimed to develop and compare statistical models using the techniques of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) to investigate which one offers the best results in evaluating insolvency of mutual credit unions. The information required to build the models were obtained with a sample of 62 credit unions (31 solvent and 31 insolvent) to which financial indicators of the PEARLS...
April 2014
Pruning management of cassava for animal feeding: Parameters of the root
To evaluate the effects of pruning at different data on the parameters of the root, a randomized complete block experiment involving the IAC-14 cassava variety was conducted between years 2008/2010, at UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil. Plants were pruned monthly from the 7th to the 15th month after planted. The chemical analyses were performed at the time of harvest, that is, 22 months after planting (MAP). Production and yield...
April 2014
Spore density and diversity of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in medicinal and seasoning plants
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) set mutualistic symbiosis with most plants. Understanding this association and meet the diversity of AMF in both the medicinal and the seasoning herbs is very important, since these plants have increasingly contributed to improving the quality of human life. The aim of this study was to assess the spore density, taxonomic diversity, and root colonization by AMF in experimental beds of...
April 2014
Genetic variability among traits associated with grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) exposed to drought at flowering stage
Morphometric and biochemical characterization of eighteen rainfed upland rice genotypes were studied under drought stress situation. Relation of the studied traits was also observed with grain yield under drought stress situation. A significant variation among the rice genotypes were observed and a significant genotype × environment interaction for all the traits was seen indicating better scope for drought...
April 2014
Biocontrol potentiality of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) - Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis: A review
Plant growth in agricultural soils is influenced by many abiotic and biotic factors. There is a thin layer of soil immediately surrounding plant roots that is an extremely important and active area for root activity and metabolism which is known as rhizosphere. The rhizosphere concept was first introduced by Hiltner to describe the narrow zone of soil surrounding the roots where microbe populations are stimulated by...
April 2014
Flower-visiting insect pollinators of Brown Mustard, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern and Coss and their foraging behaviour under caged and open pollination
Honey bees are the primary pollinators of mustard crop because it is highly attractive to bees and provides both nectar and pollen. To analyze the diversity and foraging behavior of insect pollinators under caged and open pollination, different varieties/ lines (Kranti, Varuna, Marigold, Vardan, Vaibhav, EC399299, EC399301, EC399312 and EC399313) of Brassica juncea were planted during Rabi season 2010-2011 at Apiary...
April 2014
Combining ability of maize (Zea mays) inbred lines resistant to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth evaluated under artificial Striga infestation
The parasitic weed Striga affects maize on an estimated 20 million ha in Africa, making it a major cause of maize yield reduction from near world average of 4.2 t/ha few decades ago to the present 1.5 t/ha. The objectives of this study were to examine the combining ability of 20 inbred lines and identify single crosses which can be used to develop other hybrids resistant to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Fourteen...
April 2014
Comparative analysis of phenolic profile of Monodora myristica and Monodora tenuifolia
This study sought to identify phenolics present in the seeds of Monodora myristica and Monodora tenuifolia by Gas chromatography (GC) coupled to Flame ionization detector (FID). GC-FID analysis identified fifty-three different types of phenolics in both M. myristica and M. tenuifolia seeds. Predominant phenolics are Myristicin (RT: 13.78), Caffeic acid (RT: 14.16), Safrole (RT: 11.37), Methyl Eugenol (RT: 12.32),...
April 2014
Future research trends of forest landscape degradation: The effect of changing status and use of rural road networks
The degradation of forest landscape was mainly driven by anthropogenic disturbance at short temporal and small spatial scale. However, the execution (intensity or frequency) of anthropogenic disturbance was determined by the accessibility of road network connection. The passing effect of rural road network must be considered, when understanding on the degradation of forest landscape and selecting restoration measures...
April 2014
Biology and management of ber fruit fly, Carpomyia vesuviana Costa (Diptera: Tephritidae): A review
Ber fruit fly, Carpomyia vesuviana Costa (Tephritidae: Diptera) is one of the notorious monophagous pests of ber in India, Pakistan and Middle East countries. The fly infest most of the Ziziphus species grown in the world and cause the damage internally and in serious case it causes severe yield loss up to 80% or even upto 100% damage. The external temperature, relative humidity and rainfall and soil moisture, soil...