African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

Table of Content: 22 March, 2018; 13(12)

March 2018

Determinants of small-scale farmers’ adaptation decision to climate variability and change in the North-West region of Cameroon

Small-scale farmers’ adaptation decision in the face of climate variability and change (CVC) depends largely on their ability to perceive the impacts of CVC as well as their degree of vulnerability to these impacts. This research looks at the factors that influence small-scale farmers’ adaptation decision faced with climate variability and change, with particular focus on Mbengwi Central Sub-Division,...

Author(s): Nyong P. Awazi and Martin N. Tchamba

March 2018

Planting density and number of stems for ecological crop determinate growth tomato

Tomato growers adopting an ecologically based system have opted for determinate growth varieties due to their ease of staking and sprouting, and due to the fact that they have a shorter cycle, which reduces phytosanitary problems that usually occur towards the end of the growing season. This study aimed to evaluate yield components and fruit quality of ‘Floradade’ determinate growth tomato in an ecologically...

Author(s): Denise de Souza Martins, Maristela Watthier, José Ernani Schwengber, Diego Rosa da Silva, Ryan Noremberg Schubert and Roberta Marins Nogueira Peil

March 2018

Incidence and severity of maize streak disease: The influence of tillage, fertilizer application and maize variety

Maize streak disease (MSD) is one of the most destructive diseases of maize (Zea mays L.) estimated to cause a yield loss of about 20% in Ghana. Field experiment was conducted at Nkwanta in the Volta Region of Ghana during the cropping seasons of 2015 to assess the effects of tillage practices, fertilizer application and maize variety on the incidence and severity of MSD. The MSD severity was assessed using 1 to 5...

Author(s): D. Blankson, E. Asare-Bediako, K. A. Frimpong, E. Ampofo, K. J. Taah and G. C. Van der Puije  

March 2018

Screening for salinity tolerance of Oryza glaberrima Steud. seedlings

Rice (Oryza sativa) is a salt-sensitive species and improvement of salt resistance is a major goal for plant breeders. Some species of Oryza genus may constitute an interesting source of genes involved in stress resistance for cultivated rice improvement. The African rice Oryza glaberrima is poorly described for its response to salt stress. Twenty-five accessions of O. glaberrima were exposed during 2 weeks to 0 or 60...

Author(s): Hermann Prodjinoto, Christophe Gandonou and Stanley Lutts

March 2018

The effects of intercropping and plant densities on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max) in the humid forest zone of Mount Cameroon

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of intercropping and planting densities on the growth and yield of maize (Zea mays) and soybeans (Glycine max).  A 1 ha plot located at the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Ekona, South West Region of Cameroon was used. There were two blocks: block 1 which was fertilized with 60 kg/ha NPK (20:10:10) and top dressed with urea at 50 kg...

Author(s): Eneke E. Bechem, Agbor N. Ojong and Kingsley A. Etchu

March 2018

Addressing soil organic carbon issues in smallholders’ farms in Ethiopia: Impact of local land management practices

Soil organic carbon plays a key role in plant biomass production. On smallholder farms, crop and livestock are traditionally integrated and support each other. However, due to changes in socio-economic factors, this relationship is lost as resources are mismanaged. The present study was conducted in the Central Ethiopian highlands that represent about 90% of the country’s smallholder farmers. The objective of this...

Author(s): N. A. Minase, M. M. Masafu and A. Tegegne