African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6915

Table of Content: 22 October, 2015; 10(43)

October 2015

Gene action studies on yield and quality traits in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench)

Selection of suitable breeding methodologies in bringing desirable improvement in crop plant require the complete knowledge about the nature of gene action involved in the inheritance of quantitative and quality traits. Gene action of fruit yield and quality traits in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) were studied through half diallel analysis of 28 F1 hybrids derived by crossing 8 parental lines. The present...

Author(s): Arti Verma and Sonia Sood

October 2015

Optimizing the nitrogen rate in the rice crop in relation to soil mineralized nitrogen with anaerobic incubation without shaking to different times and temperatures

Nitrogen fertilization in rice crop are based on crop needs and the capacity of the soil to supply it. In this study six rice soils of central Chile were fertilized with 0, 80 and 160 kg N ha-1 and incubated in anaerobic conditions for time periods from 0 to 28 days at 20 and 40°C. Field experiments were conducted in the same soils with equal N rates. Nitrogen mineralization showed a quadratic response that was...

Author(s): Juan Hirzel Campos, Neal Stolpe and Francisco Rodríguez

October 2015

Effect of resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars on the development of male and female Heterodera glycines Ichinohe

Soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is one of the major phytopathological problems affecting soybeans, Glycine max (L.) Merr., in the major producing countries and the use of resistant cultivars and crop rotation have been the main methods of control adopted to reduce the nematode population in infested soils. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of resistant (BRSGO Ipameri and BRSGO...

Author(s): Fernando Godinho de Araújo, Mara Rúbia da Rocha, Leonardo de Castro Santos, Renato Andrade Teixeira and Cristiane Silva Ferreira

October 2015

The relationship between succulence and shoot biomass differences according to nutritional status in Jatropha curcas L.

Diverse types of studies have examined the application of Jatropha curcas L. as a source of biofuel. Mineral nutrition levels modify the patterns of crops’ growth and productivity, as well as the expression of morphophysiological traits of adaptive value. This study investigated the effects of nutrient solution concentration on biomass partition patterns and morphological attributes linked to water content in...

Author(s): Maicon Wandermaz dos Santos, Camila Figueiredo da Silva, Marcel Giovanni Costa França, Everaldo Zonta and Roberto Oscar Pereyra Rossiello

October 2015

Short-term effect of different green manure on soil chemical and biological properties

The use of different legume species, as green manure, may affect differently soil biological and chemical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of four legumes species used as green manure on soil biological and chemical properties in short-term. We evaluated the following legume species: Crotalaria, Cajanus, Mucuna and Canavalia. The study was arranged in a completely randomised design with four...

Author(s): Nilza Silva Carvalho, Antônio Bruno Bitencourt Oliveira, Maristella Moura Calaço Pessoa, Vicente Paulo Costa Neto, Ricardo Silva de Sousa, João Rodrigues da Cunha, Arthur Gonçalves Coutinho, Vilma Maria dos Santos and Ademir Sergio Ferreira de Araujo

October 2015

Accuracy and genetic progress of agronomic traits in irrigated rice program in Brazil

The estimate of genetic progress indicates the effectiveness of selection and the need to use new selection methods and strategies. Hence, the objective of the present study was to accuracy estimate the genetic contribution of agronomic traits in the irrigated rice breeding program in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil between 1998 and 2012. For this goal, the following traits were evaluated: Grain yield (Kg.ha-1),...

Author(s): Gabriel Gonçalves dos Reis, Roberto Fritsche-Neto, Plínio César Soares, Vanda Maria de Oliveira Cornélio, Moizés de Sousa Reis, Orlando Peixoto de Morais and Tiago da Silva Marques

October 2015

Quantifying biomass and carbon stocks in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Northeastern Brazil

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a major raw material for biofuel and food industries in the world. In Brazil, cultivation of this species has evolved much in recent years, but basic information on its growth in the country is still scarce. This study analyzes the biomass and carbon storage in plants selected in three stands located in southern state of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, considering the full rotation...

Author(s): Carlos Roberto Sanquetta, Sylvio PéllicoNetto, Ana Paula Dalla Corte, Aurélio Lourenço Rodrigues, Alexandre Behling and Mateus Niroh Inoue Sanquetta

October 2015

Nutrient recycling from sanitation and energy systems to the agroecosystem- Ecological research on case studies in Karagwe, Tanzania

Open cycles of organic carbon and nutrients cause soil degradation. Procedures such as ecological sanitation (EcoSan), bioenergy and Terra Preta practice (TPP) can contribute to closing nutrient cycles and may, in addition, sequester carbon. This paper introduces three projects in Karagwe, Tanzania, and their applied approach of integrated resource management to capture carbon and nutrients from different waste flows....

Author(s): A. Krause, M. Kaupenjohann, E. George and J. Koeppel

October 2015

Postharvest shelf-life and fruit quality of strawberry grown in different cropping systems

The strawberry is highly perishable, has high metabolic activity and considerable levels of favorable substrates for proliferation of pathogenic organisms, such as humidity, organic acids and sugars. These organisms lead to further, therefore reducing post-harvest shelf-life. With this in mind, the research objective was to evaluate the post-harvest shelf life in cooled storage of two cultivars of strawberries (Oso...

Author(s): Maria Lucilania Bezerra Almeida, Carlos Farley Herbster Moura, Renato Innecco, Aline dos Santos and Fábio Rodrigues de Miranda

October 2015

Cucurbita pepo nitrogen fertigation in greenhouse environments

Greenhouse crops afford higher quality and competitiveness. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen doses (80, 110, 140 and 170 kg ha-1) applied through fertigation in the yield of two cultivars of Cucurbita pepo (Anita F1 and Novita Plus), in a 4 × 2 factorial design. The experiment was carried out in an entirely randomized design with eight replications. The study evaluated the sum of...

Author(s): André Maller, Roberto Rezende, Paulo Sérgio Lourenço de Freitas, Ânderson Takashi Hara and Jhonatan Monteiro de Oliveira