December 2014
Effects of moisture content and loading orientation on some mechanical properties of the african oil bean seed (Pentaclethra Macrophylla Benth)
The seeds were quasi-statically loaded to determine rupture force, toughness, yield force, rupture stress, modulus of stiffness and elasticity. Compression tests were carried out on seeds at moisture content of 15.76, 19.81 and 34.43% (wb), seed orientation in both the longitudinal and transverse axis at a loading rate of 25 mm/min. Values of the rupture force, toughness, rupture stress, yield force and modulus of...
December 2014
On-farm reproductive performance and adaptability evaluation of Dorper sheep crosses (DorperXAdilo) in different husbandry system, southern Ethiopia
A flock monitoring study was conducted in Wolaita zone, Damot gale and Damote sore districts and Siltie zone, Mirab Azernet district with the objectives of evaluating the reproductive and productive performance of Dorper sheep and to determine the current production systems. Data was collected from November 2013 to April according to Kaufmann case histories format and were subjected to general linear models (GLM)...
December 2014
Assessment of the severity and impact of drought spells on rainfed cereals in Morocco
Drought is a major factor affecting cereal production in most the rainfed areas of West Asia and North Africa. Recent increases in drought frequency in Morocco have resulted in the yields of field crops being extremely variable and generally low. The objective of this study is to assess drought severity in the main cereal production areas of Morocco and to evaluate its effects on grain yield. Also the study seeks to...
December 2014
Production and reproduction performance of rural poultry in lowland and midland agro-ecological zones of central Tigray, Northern Ethiopia
The study was conducted in lowland and midland agro-ecological zones of central Tigray, in northern Ethiopia with the objective of characterization of village poultry marketing system under rural household management. A total of 160 households and 50% of them were female headed households. Data were collected using semi structured questionnaire and monitoring individual households. Chi- square test was employed for...
December 2014
Improving the fertilizer use efficiency and profitability of small farms by intercropping with transgenic Bt cotton
Bt transgenic hybrid cotton productivity and profitability could not be sustained after 2007 in India which necessitated to investigate into the nutrient needs of transgenic Bt hybrid cotton and their intercropping systems. Seven Bt transgenic hybrid cotton intercropping systems with four fertilizer management practices and two plant spacings were evaluated in split plot design during 2010-12 in Vertisols at Central...
December 2014
Analysis of seed quality: A nonstop evolving activity
The enhancement of the production processes and increasing demand for high-quality seeds, has led the seed quality control companies to technically improve their activities. Due to this demand, we searched to improve tests related to physiological seed quality, aiming to obtain analysis results that are more consistent with the findings related to field conditions, providing information about the possibilities of the...
December 2014
First report of Leptocybe invasa Fisher and La’Salle (Hymenoptera:Eulophidae) in Mozambique
The existence of gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa, in Mozambique was first recorded and reported in July, 2011 in the forestry nursery from the Forestry Investigation Center (CIF) and the forestry plantations of the districts of Marracuene and Namaacha (in the province of Maputo), respectively. The formation of galls on the eucalyptus seedlings was observed through the samples collected and sent to the Agricultural Research...
December 2014
Growth, yield, quality and nutrient content of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) as influenced by sunflower stover and nutrients management under pigeonpea-sunflower (Helianthus annuus) cropping system
A fixed plot field experiment was carried out during 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 at New Delhi, to evaluate the ‘‘effect of sunflower stover and nutrient management on pigeonpea under pigeonpea-sunflower cropping system’’. The results indicates that sunflower stover incorporation reduced the plant growth parameters viz., plant height, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DMA), crop growth...
December 2014
Preliminary genetic diversity Analysis of introduced and local Zimbabwe cowpea landraces
Cowpea, Vigna Unguiculata plays an important role in human diets because of its good protein quality and high nutritional value. On hand are two cowpea lines sourced from a local Zimbabwean humanitarian organization, with an aim to diversify the local germplasm base of cowpea. Activities involved characterizing and evaluating the foreign sourced lines alongside local ones for morphological and random amplified...
December 2014
Response of Jatropha curcas plants to changes in the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in Oxissol
The present study aimed at identifying the correct nitrogen and phosphate fertilization for the maximum productivity of Jatropha curcas plants. The study was carried out at the experimental field of the Ipameri Campus of the State University of Goiás. Three-year-old physic nut plants under full production were used. After analysis of the soil classified as Oxissol, pH correction was performed in accordance with...