May 2016
Anatomical differences among forage with respect to nutrient availability for ruminants in the tropics: A review
Different types of forage have been used worldwide in farm animal feeding. However, different microscopic cellular arrangements are clear in the anatomical structure, are due to climatic influences and are reflected in the productivity responses of cattle, especially in comparisons among tropical and temperate grasses. The physical impediment of the plant anatomical structure affects nutrient accessibility to rumen...
May 2016
Resistance characterization of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) biotypes to clethodim herbicide
The objective of this study is to determine the dose required to control 50% population (C50) and to reduce 50% dry matter production (GR50) of resistant biotypes of ryegrass in comparison to that of a susceptible biotype as well as to evaluate the mechanism of resistance by cyt-P450 inhibitor application. The study was conducted in a greenhouse in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on plants that survived clethodim herbicide...
May 2016
Prevention of yield losses caused by glyphosate in soybeans with biostimulant
Enhanced selectivity can be achieved for some herbicide treatments through the application of chemicals that reduce or protect plants from injuries. The objective of this work was to evaluate the potential to prevent herbicide yield losses in glyphosate-resistant soybean by the use of the biostimulant Fertiactyl PÓS. Based on results from two field experiments, the association of Fertiactyl PÓS with...
May 2016
Assessment of the levels of cadmium and lead in soil and vegetable samples from selected dumpsites in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana
Many dumpsites in the urban communities in Ghana are used for cultivation of crops, especially vegetables. However, these dumpsites may serve as potential sources of soil heavy metals that could enter the food chain mainly through cultivated food crops with serious consequences on human health. This study investigated the levels of two heavy metals, lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), in the soil and tissues of vegetables grown...
May 2016
Eucalyptus urocan drought tolerance mechanisms
The present study was designed to identify strategies for tolerance to hydric deficit in Eucalyptus urocan seedlings. The experiment was conducted in a green house with 100% solar radiation capture. The completely randomized block design was used with five treatments (plants irrigated daily with water corresponding to 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125% daily evapotranspiration) and five replications. 120-day-old E. urocan...
May 2016
Growth of Khaya senegalensis plant under water deficit
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the initial growth of Khaya senegalensis plants under water deficit. The work was carried out at Ipameri, Goiás on a bench in full sun following the completely randomized experimental design with six treatments and six replications. 120-day-old mahogany plants (Khaya senegalensis) grown in eight-liter pots were subjected to six treatments for 12 days (plants...
May 2016
Characterization of family organic production in peri-urban regions
The objective of this study was to evaluate the difficulties and potential of organic farming for the family small-scale farmers in the municipalities of metropolitan areas of large shopping centers, such as the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To that end, a questionnaire comprising open-ended and closed-ended questions relevant to biological farming was applied. Factors that hinder the production and sale of organic...
May 2016
Economic efficiency of green maize intercropped with beans grown under Tithonia and inorganic fertilizer
A field trial aimed at assessing the performance of maize and beans under intercropped systems was conducted in 2013 under three experimental components of maize, beans and maize-bean intercrop in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Each component was subjected to treatments that included: a control-without fertilizer (WF), mineral fertilizer (MF) at 150 kg/ha of 17:17:17, Tithonia biomass...
May 2016
Storage of Alibertia edulis seeds: Influence of water content and storage conditions
Knowledge of the desiccation sensitivity of Alibertia edulis seeds is essential to provide adequate conditions for maintaining viability during storage. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of variations in the water content, environmental conditions, and storage periods on the conservation of A. edulis seeds. After processing, the seeds were dried under ambient conditions to water contents of...
May 2016
Effects of irrigated and rain fed conditions on infestation levels of thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) infesting Dolichos lablab (L.) in Eastern Kenya
Dolichos lablab (L.) is a neglected crop species in Kenya, grown only for subsistence where they are highly adapted to a small range of ecological niches. It is grown under irrigation and rain fed conditions, where production is limited by insect pests such as thrips (Genera: Megalurothrips and Frankliniella). However, the effects of irrigation and rain fed conditions on infestation levels of these thrips in Kenya...
May 2016
Evaluation of biological control agent Pantoea agglomerans P10c against fire blight in Morocco
The bacterial antagonist Pantoea agglomerans P10c was evaluated for efficacy to control fire blight in Morocco. It was evaluated in the laboratory on detached blossoms (pre and post-inoculation of pathogen) and under field for its ability to suppress growth of Erwinia amylovora on blossoms of pear trees (Pyrus communis); and for its aptitude to establish on and to colonize the blossoms of apple tree (Malus domestica)...