African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6900

Table of Content: 9 November, 2017; 12(45)

November 2017

Uprooting resistance of two tropical tree species for sand dune stabilization

Coastal windbreak restoration is important in Taiwan for agroforestry and sand dune stabilization. Australian pine (Casuarina equisetifolia Forst.) is the main species in windbreaks. It often suffers from serious uprooting and waterlogging damages, whereas sea hibiscus (Hibiscus tiliaceus L.) is more resistant to wind and tolerant to waterlogging. It is suggested that sea hibiscus can be substituted for Australian pine...

Author(s): Jung-Tai Lee, Sung-Ming Tsai and Ming-Jen Lee

November 2017

Farmer segmentation for enhancing technology adoption and smallholder dairy development

Despite various interventions, smallholder dairy farming in large parts of the tropics remain characterised by low productivity, restricted market participation, and viability challenges. The problem lies in the unavailability, low adoption rates and non-adoption of available improved smallholder dairying technologies. Using Rusitu and Gokwe smallholder dairy projects in Zimbabwe as a case study, this paper explored...

Author(s): Benjamine Hanyani-Mlambo, Maxwell Mudhara, Kefasi Nyikahadzoi and Paramu Mafongoya

November 2017

Preliminary screening of cowpea-Bradyrhizobium symbiotic traits subjected to salinity stress in Senegal

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a leguminous plant which is an important source of protein, grown in arid and semi-arid areas of Africa subject to climate changes including soil salinization. The current study aimed to test the hypothesis that screening for salt-tolerant Bradyrhizobim-cowpea combination would promise a salt tolerant symbiotic system. Four selected Bradyrhizobium were characterized for their...

Author(s): Abdoulaye Soumare, Mbaye Wade, Francis Do Rego, Saliou Fall and Tatiana Krasova Wade

November 2017

Freezing, cooling and storage of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Dusch) seeds produced in biodynamic system

Farmer’s dominance depends on seed processing practices that allow seed longevity and sanity throughout storage. In organic systems, seeds cannot be exposed to chemical pesticides. Therefore, organic seed treatment must be conducted by applying techniques which do not contaminate seeds and that can provide physiological and sanitary quality, and also a safe storage. This work aimed to evaluate the physiological...

Author(s): Carolina Olga da Fonseca Ribeiro, Higino Marcos Lopes and Felipe Kuhn Leão de Salles

November 2017

Genetic diversity among populations of the xerophytic tree species Balanites aegyptiaca and its morpho-physiological responses to water deficiency

Water deficit negatively affects crop development and productivity. With decreasing rainfall and shortage of arable land, there is a demand for alternative drought-tolerant species for use on non-arable land. The tree species Balanites aegyptiaca is considered as drought tolerant and a potential source of many secondary metabolites. The oil-containing seeds may also be used as biofuel. Genetic diversity was investigated...

Author(s): G. Khamis, F. Schaarschmidt and J. Papenbrock

November 2017

Production and leaf nutrient content of okra influenced by soil management

A field study was conducted to explore the effect of various rates of organic matter, two water depths, with and without mulching on production of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) and leaf nutrient content. This study was done for two years, and the experimental design of randomized blocks in a factorial 5 ËŸ 2 ËŸ 2 was used, with four replications. The treatments were five rates of organic matter, necessary for raising...

Author(s): Evandro Franklin de Mesquita, Lúcia Helena Garófalo Chaves, Lourival Ferreira Cavalcante, Rodrigo Jales dos Santos, José Ailton Pereira dos Santos and Anailson da Sousa Alves