How to cite this article
Bongomin, L., Acipa, A., Wamani, S., Sseremba G., & Opio, S. M.
(2020). Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) performance under minimum and conventional tillage practice in two distinct agroecological zones of Uganda. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 16(5), 600-605.
Chicago /
Bongomin Lawrence, Acipa Alexandrina, Wamani Sam, Sseremba Godfrey and Opio Samuel Morris
. "Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) performance under minimum and conventional tillage practice in two distinct agroecological zones of Uganda." African Journal of Agricultural Research 16, no. 5 (2020): 600-605.
Bongomin Lawrence, et al. "Evaluation of maize (Zea mays L.) performance under minimum and conventional tillage practice in two distinct agroecological zones of Uganda." African Journal of Agricultural Research 16.5 (2020): 600-605.