How to cite this article
Iwuchukwu, J. C., Eke, J. N., & Udoye, C. E. (2017). Practices of farmers in processing and marketing of crayfish in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 12(44), 3169-3180.
Chicago /
Iwuchukwu Juliana Chinasa, Eke John Nnanna and Udoye Charles Ekene. "Practices of farmers in processing and marketing of crayfish in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12, no. 44 (2017): 3169-3180.
Iwuchukwu Juliana Chinasa, Eke John Nnanna and Udoye Charles Ekene. "Practices of farmers in processing and marketing of crayfish in Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria." African Journal of Agricultural Research 12.44 (2017): 3169-3180.